The Duff CEO with a Windows-Logo on his forehead: “Gamers use Windows because of its’ user experience not our de facto monopoly.”

Next Image: Duff CEO with Windows-Logo in front of a “Out of Business” sign. Subtitle: “30 minutes after SteamOS is released”

Edit: Yo, I’m not saying this is gonna happen. I just want to say that Windew’s UX sucks ass.

    2 months ago

    You can run games with Lutris, which allows you to create shortcuts for games so that they would be launched through Lutris without invoking a UI

    So from a user’s perspective, the game just opens up as normal without any launchers or interfaces in between, like if you ran an .exe

    Besides, plenty of non-Steam games can be run simply through Wine, then you literally double-click a game .exe and there you go.