A conversation between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the Republican senator offered an "incredible historical document" showing how the U.S. views its role in the Middle East.
What happened to us (Americans)? We used to look down on Soviet propaganda and book burning; congratulating ourselves on our free speech. Now we’re burning books and outlawing news sources that don’t abide by the official propaganda. It’s sickening.
I voted for Harris in yet another attempt at harm reduction, not hope, but the Neoliberals and Republicans have just been playing good cop/bad cop since Reagan, intentionally stoking and magnifying social wedges to keep Americans divided and at each other’s throats while they serve the same masters on protecting the shape and fucked up priorities of our sociopath owned economy we don’t get a vote on from either major party.
Voting for Trump just makes our collapse sound like fart noises. We’ve been in freefall since the 1980s, our society strip mined for private profit. IMHO the United States under the current Constitution was irrevocably captured destroyed half a century ago. That’s when America died. The last 50 years or so has just been a combination of leftover momentum and denial.
In a dark way, it’s almost refreshing to someone like me to finally see everyone else waking up to the grim reality there’s literally no longer any way to squint hard enough to play pretend the country isn’t irreparably fucked. Better than all the willful self-delusion many enjoyed as education crumbled, healthcare became a murderous con-job, retirement became a decadent luxury for the few, etc.
We haven’t been a society for a long time. We’re an oligarch piggy bank/military platform. We wage war on the world, both through hard warfare and strong arm diplomacy, to open up new exploitation markets for our capitalists by trying to make other nations turn on their own people for private profit in exchange for a cut for their respective elites.
We are the primary vector of the world’s greed disease destroying societies, civilization, and even the very air we all breathe.
I.m.o. US media has watered down revolution and resistance to injustice into purely a matter of aesthetics. Our movies, shows, and books constantly recast events to gut the actual historical context. Its why MAGA people can imagine themselves as a sort of resistance, because they are so used to identifying the aesthetics and not the substance of political movements.
What happened to us (Americans)? We used to look down on Soviet propaganda and book burning; congratulating ourselves on our free speech. Now we’re burning books and outlawing news sources that don’t abide by the official propaganda. It’s sickening.
Because our empire is collapsing
Entropy will not be denied.
Rome always falls to the corruption of its elite run amuck.
Don’t forget the lead poisoning. Something else America has in common with the Romans.
You guys are actively collapsing it.
Who and how?
Based if true.
I voted for Harris in yet another attempt at harm reduction, not hope, but the Neoliberals and Republicans have just been playing good cop/bad cop since Reagan, intentionally stoking and magnifying social wedges to keep Americans divided and at each other’s throats while they serve the same masters on protecting the shape and fucked up priorities of our sociopath owned economy we don’t get a vote on from either major party.
Voting for Trump just makes our collapse sound like fart noises. We’ve been in freefall since the 1980s, our society strip mined for private profit. IMHO the United States under the current Constitution was irrevocably captured destroyed half a century ago. That’s when America died. The last 50 years or so has just been a combination of leftover momentum and denial.
In a dark way, it’s almost refreshing to someone like me to finally see everyone else waking up to the grim reality there’s literally no longer any way to squint hard enough to play pretend the country isn’t irreparably fucked. Better than all the willful self-delusion many enjoyed as education crumbled, healthcare became a murderous con-job, retirement became a decadent luxury for the few, etc.
We haven’t been a society for a long time. We’re an oligarch piggy bank/military platform. We wage war on the world, both through hard warfare and strong arm diplomacy, to open up new exploitation markets for our capitalists by trying to make other nations turn on their own people for private profit in exchange for a cut for their respective elites.
We are the primary vector of the world’s greed disease destroying societies, civilization, and even the very air we all breathe.
The US has always had propaganda and book burning, it’s just really good at projection. Hell, even D&D was attacked for being “satanic.”
Lol, classic American. Sees Americans doing bad things in America in a way that America has always done: “what are we, a bunch of Russians!”
did you miss the red scare? it’s always been this way
You’re moving out of golden age and into the ‘find out’ stage.
those were lies too
I’m British, we recently had Brexit. It will be “we have book burning but it’s different to that book burning”, or something like that anyway.
I.m.o. US media has watered down revolution and resistance to injustice into purely a matter of aesthetics. Our movies, shows, and books constantly recast events to gut the actual historical context. Its why MAGA people can imagine themselves as a sort of resistance, because they are so used to identifying the aesthetics and not the substance of political movements.