• Xanthrax@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    We should extend the “safe at home” program to trans people now. Hateful people can’t be trusted with their personal info.

    I used to be a part of it and faced a lot of discrimination. My ex’es family has a stalker (I was living with them, so I had to join). My ID/ drivers license had a PO box instead of an address. Whenever I’d tell people I was in the program, they’d say it was bullshit, then THEY’D get yelled at, and then I’d get a little extra nice treatment. I wish trans people could get the same.

    Republicans feel like stalkers to me. You just want to live your own life and identify as your own person, and you have these weirdoes judging your privates? Let people be safe and fuck off pretending to do the same.