I thought data caps for home internet were a thing of the past…
I’ve somewhat recently moved back to a very rural area of the Midwest. Small town. No stop lights. Biggest businesses other than the bars are Casey’s, Subway, and Dollar General.
And we have one ISP (not counting DSL) — Mediacom. When we first signed up, I had to go with the second service tier. But not because of speeds, but so I could have a reasonable 1 TB/mo data cap.
Lucky me, they increased the cap to 1.5 TB. 🙄
I hope that in my lifetime I can see ISPs regulated as a public utility.
In Switzerland you get unlimited 10 Gbit/s for 50 bucks.
I hate you, congrats!
In Canada we have to give our firstborn to a telecommunication monopoly for somewhat OK internet.
I pay 90 ish Canadian pesos for 1gb/1gb for Bell fibre. It’s not too bad depending on your location, though that price is still too high. I’m at least making good use of it. 12tb of total transfers this month.
I pay 80$ for 1gb/750mb with bell. I could upgrade to 3/3 for 120$ but then they’d change my modem and the homehub 3000 was the last one I could remove the transceiver and plug fiber directly in my server opnsense router.
Is it actually 10Gbit/s or just marketing? And how’s the latency?
what the hell
WTF? 25gbps? Dang we really do have shitty internet in the States.
Data caps on home internet services should be illegal. They should also be much higher on mobile, but that’s a whole other topic.
I have 940/940 Unlimited FTTH for $93.45(Canadian).
And France gets 5Gbps for €30 per month or 8Gbps for €40 per month. I’m in the US now and really miss free.fr as my ISP
I’m suddenly more motivated to do my French lessons on Duolingo now.
I know right! Free.fr was a real disruptor. They fought the government to open telecom to private companies (it used to be France Telecom only which is gov owned) then they worked with the gov to create a fiber network that can be used my multiple ISP. So no running parallel lines from separate companies, they all create, maintain and share the same network all over the country. Before that, they started as the first free dialup internet service. You would call a number, and connect. You were paying with ads. They also were the first DSL speed, first TV over DSL, first FTTH, first VoIP, and they also have a cell phone network. And the prices are forcing all the other companies to align. We seriously need free.for in the US.
Data caps on home internet services should be illegal. They should also be much higher on mobile, but that’s a whole other topic.
I’m not convinced mobile deserves to have caps at all, either!
As far as I’m concerned, there’s no reason to limit the amount of data transfer except in times of congestion, and I also don’t see any reason the amount of data transferred during un-congested times should have any bearing on who gets throttled.
You’re way overpaying. I pay $40 for 1.5 Gbps with Bell FTTH. Give them a call and say it’s too expensive and see what they can do for you. Or tell them Rogers (if they’re in your area) offered you 1.5gbps for $60 and ask if they can beat that.
As for mobile, you should look at new plans. $39 gets you 20 GB $50 gets you 40 GB. Seems like plenty of data imo https://www.koodomobile.com/en/rate-plans?INTCMP=KM_HDD_2023_Plans_RatePlans_40gbfor45_ROC_MBSK
Best time to get a mobile plan is Black Friday, should be even better deals by then.
Dude… The US is doing it wrong. SE Asia. 1Gbps symmetrical, unlimited, unrestricted. ~14US$.
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I have luckily never heard about data caps in Scandinavia except for mobile broadband.
Do they even exist at all, here?
My first (fast) internet connection was 1 Mbit.
We had 1gb to download per month. This cap disappeared when more competitors showed up though (i had that cap around … 2001)
I havnt seen a data cap for internet connections since. I am not aware of any either. Except for mobile phones. Though, they also have unlimited data for those , if you want. (I have. Just so i never have to worry about it ever again)
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I had a friend years ago that had a cap, but that was literally the only one I’ve heard of in my life here (Sweden)
Yeah, the ISP cartels sucks. I’ve been stuck paying $170/mo for uncapped 1000/35mbps connection.
Thankfully, before the end of the year, a local ISP is moving into my area. They offer uncapped symmetrical gigabit, for $75/mo… I’ll be saving $95/mo for BETTER service.
The longstanding ISP cartels should seriously be punished for the abuse of their market positions and failure to appropriately use government funding they’ve been given.
That download/upload dichotomy should be illegal in and of itself!
Oh they appropriated it all right, straight into their yachts and mansions.
Same boat here… and then the “default cap” is nothing. Between work and family, we hit the data cap of 1.25TB within three weeks.
Any place I can find more info about the “end of the year” timeframe you mentioned? A new ISP is also rolling in my area, but their site has been vague on time.
The main street into our house currently has it available, but our actual address not yet… driving me a little crazy.
Hope the new one is available for you soon.
$40 for 2 Gbps unlimited in Singapore. Caps on home broadband are frankly nonsensical.
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The point is to make money, do they charge extra to increase the data cap? If so, it’s all about money.
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I sorta understand why data caps were implemented in the past. Some people hosted servers on their home connection, and their total internet traffic in a week would far exceed that of a normal user’s. Data caps were meant to force people to be conservative on their internet usage so this would not happen.
But come on now, it’s 2023. If your internet infrastructure could not handle that amount of traffic, you are a laughing stock of ISPs.
Data cap never made sense because ISPs pay for pipe size, not total of data. Someone using 20mbps 24/7 will use a lot more data but cause a lot less congestion than someone using 300mbps for 1hr at peak hour every day.
If their infra is undersized, they should at least not count data between midnight and 8am toward the data cap since the pipes are mostly sitting idles
The Internet is not a big truck 🚛 it’s a series of tubes ➿
Overall everyone will use less data when there’s a data cap, I found.
My ISP implemented data caps back then too (thankfully it’s all removed now, but 60GB was really bonkers!) and I just find it fascinating how much traffic I generate nowadays, when I don’t have to care how much data I have left this month.
Anyways, data caps shouldn’t be relevant anymore in 2023 when absolutely everything can handle gigabits and more. It’s interesting how American ISPs still implement them.
I live in the UK and currently have copper cable at about 60mbps for £60 per month. I thought what I had was bad because I have a friend who gets 1gbps for £30 a few miles away.
I’m in the US and get 1Gbps for about £30, because my city forced ISPs to sell portions of their networks to third party competitions to break up monopolies.
Where on earth are you and who with to be fleeced that much?
In the north-west. BT currently have a local monopoly so they can charge what they want
If you’re rural, check out B4RN.
So it’s my impression that (and my knowledge might be out of date here) but almost anywhere that BT is then there should be at least 1 other company that operates on their lines (or rather Openreaches line, after they were split out of BT for competition purposes) so you should be able to get someone else with luck.
Try using Sam knows website and they tell lots about your line and what you can get.
Where the hell in the UK are you? I’m in the North and pay £26 for 60mbps but get more like 70 due to how close I am to the street cabinet though I haven’t even got copper cable here, just crappy aluminium that is so old I think Alexander Graham Bell himself fitted them.
I’m in leeds and pay £30 a month for 1gig with virgin. You sould move house. Get better broadband.
I’m in the north-west but I’m limited to BT because nobody else has cables down yet. A different company claims to be fitting FttP round here in a few months though.
Similar issue here, full fibre roll out is estimated to be complete in 2025.
I’m just outside Newcastle on the coast and could get Virgin but my neighbours have had a nightmare with it.
They only rolled out their fibre about three months ago so there might be issues with that
Well, the internet companies have successfully bribed politicians to avoid competition. This is just the normal result of everyday corruption.
Capitalism working as intended
Hey! I’ll have you know that Comcast and Time Warner are in the fiercest of competitions. They are practically bankrupting themselves while slashing each other’s throats. /s
Shit dude, I pay €20 for synchronous 1Gb/s.
Maybe you should organise a community run ISP instead?
They’re quite common where I live, although I don’t use one myself. I still only pay 400sek for unlimited 500/500.
Unless the big ISPs made competition like that illegal.
It’s easier to do in more rural or remote areas but cities and suburbs make it a bit harder. US prices are also fucked. I’m currently paying $62/month for 100 down and 10 up and that’s the cheapest option around us.
Our local fiber (1000/1000) is truly unlimited and just had a price decrease from $120 to $100. Never had an ISP do that before!
1000/300 unlimited FTTH for ~20$ in hungary, however this company (digi) was killed by the government, and bought under price by a company (4ig) which is very close to the goverment, and the stateparty, and they did 2 subscription price ups, so 2 years ago it was about 10$… We have “bent capitalism” here which resembles to communism…
OP, check out the websites about grants ISPs are getting to put fiber in rural areas and see if your area is on the list somewhere (I would try and link you to some, but I’m on mobile and for some reason I have a hell of a time finding those sites while on mobile). You can see below what I’ve had to deal with for about 20 years, until my area finally got covered by one of those grants a few months ago. I am super rural - like, I am literally surrounded by nationally protected forest and nothing else; it’snot a place I thought would ever be included in those grant locations. It was, though, and I now have Gigabyte internet with no cap, with VOIP, for $74.98 a month. If I’m not using WiFi, I get an actual gig of download speed. If I’m on wifi, it’s usually between 600-900MB.
Up until recently, we paid Centurylink about $150 a month for two lines into the house. Each line maxed out at 0.75MB download speed and 0.23 MB upload speed. We needed two lines to even be able to function. Almost 20 years of this, with no other options besides Hughesnet. We tried them for a little while; their equipment cost a fortune, it was about$150 a month, the speed was nearly as bad and they had a 200MB A MONTH CAP. We had to turn off images for websites in order to not go over the cap. Previous to 2004, I lived in a very rural part of NY. We had high speed internet for $69 a month, no cap. I can’t remember the speed, but I remember that it took 3 minutes to download a full sized movie. 20 YEARS AGO the internet was better, and cheaper!