I developed this large world in Neverwinter Nights. I found someone to collaborate with and he stole it and pretended he had made it and put it online. He told me his reason was because he could.
For anybody else considering sharing stuff you’re working on in private, you can use tools like freetsa for verifiable timestamping before you share anything to prove you had it first. Timestamp multiple versions with your name on it as you progress.
Others who you share the files with later will not be able to come up with provable timestamps older than yours
I developed this large world in Neverwinter Nights. I found someone to collaborate with and he stole it and pretended he had made it and put it online. He told me his reason was because he could.
For anybody else considering sharing stuff you’re working on in private, you can use tools like freetsa for verifiable timestamping before you share anything to prove you had it first. Timestamp multiple versions with your name on it as you progress.
Others who you share the files with later will not be able to come up with provable timestamps older than yours
Psychopathic behavior right there
Who was it?
One of two brothers who ran a server called the nameless realm.