Key features:
- PDF annotation
- S-pen/stylus support
- Sync (preferably NOT just via Nextcloud…looking at you, Saber)
- Handwriting recognition is a plus, but not required
As mention above, Saber fits the criteria well, but I don’t use Nextcloud and that is the only sync available in that app (unless something has changed in the last couple of weeks). I have a Galaxy phone and tablet that both support S-pen and Samsung Notes is excellent, and free, but they’re not exactly privacy concious, so I’m looking elsewhere. I had considered the Excalidraw plugin for Obsidian, but I’m not sure if that works on the Android version of the app.
Consider dropping your built-in sync requirement, and use Syncthing instead. It opens up your options.
Fair point, do you have any in mind?
My Note 4 died last year so I don’t have any android suggestions, sorry. On Linux I like Rnote, but it’s fairly early in development and I last time I wanted to annotate a PDF I had to do so in Xournal++
It can do S-pen notes?
Oops. Missed that. My bad
I would love to find an alternative that can automatically start on the lock screen as soon as I pull the pen out.
I have a s23 ultra and that’s such a handy feature
That’s a system level integration! Someone have to make an app with root or shizuku api
Agreed, I’m on a Note10+ and I love that feature. I’d setting for being able to add 3rd party app shortcuts to the little side bar thing…not sure what that’s called, but it pops up when you pull the S Pen out. That wouldn’t replace the screen off function, but would be a step in the right direction.
You can add apps to that pop up sidebar on s23
ah geez, you can on mine too. I just didn’t scroll down far enough. All I saw were the Samsung specific shortcuts!
Well then you’re good to go
Yeah, now I just need to find a privacy conscious alternative to Samsung Notes! ;)
I may have to give up on my Nextcloud hate and run Saber. It really is a great app. Just a shame to tie it to only one service.
Maybe obsidian
May have to go this route. The excalidraw plugin seems to work reasonably well and I already use Obsidian.