Japan startup unveils 15-foot robot suit for space exploration::undefined
Maybe I will live to see the legendary Mecha Duck Space Battles
Weird. I didn’t know Gundams had wheels.
Fucking trash article. Every single outlet reporting on this is calling it a Gundam. Clearly we wouldn’t know what a 15 foot tall robot is without someone comparing it to a 100ft bipedal machine with massive guns and lightsabers that looks totally different than what they’re describing.
There are plenty of instances in anime where mechs (I guess not specifically Gundam) have wheels or skates/wheels, like Code Geass. I think its mostly so they don’t have to animate walking on the ground or draw different leg movements/positions.
Edit: added stuff about drawing.
gundum suits arent real dude its fiction
thats just a lot of car parts assembled incorrectly
and a CEO
and maybe 1 or 2 enginees maybe
yea when i saw the wheels i knew
this is a attempt at geting funding
that will not be spent on much more than the board members
“Japan, we don’t need to design a mecha for everything.”
“But Gundam P1ANT will make crop harvesting 10% more efficient!”
“We need to get you into a war just so you have an outlet.”
hopes the robot could one day be used for disaster relief or in the space industry
Imagine I’d just fiddle around and build a few neat things and then hope they are going to be useful in outer space 😄
These guys 100% have no use case whatsoever for the thing they’re building besides “dude let’s MECHA”
I can respect that tbh, but pretending and dancing around it is a bit lame
“Disaster relief”. One day someone will find this in some abandoned underground research facility on the Moon and realize it’s the key to restoring peace on Earth.
No, it’s not for space exploration, and no, it wasn’t unveiled by the nation of Japan. Hyperbole to the extreme, shame on you, Independent.
Some Japanese bloke built it after learning how to weld, and said he thinks it’d be cool if something like it could be used for space exploration one day.
There’s no story here, just a guy doing simple DIY metalwork robotics.
“space exploration”
Didn’t Captain Disillusion already debunk this…?
Different co in SK.
Disaster relief, huh? Sounds like you’ve got a job , 621…
I for one, wish to welcome our new mech-overlords who cannot climb stairs.
Evangelion when?
When we figure out how to genetically engineer robots to not be robots but be aliens that are also robots that also are your dead mom.
All it’s missing is the queen alien!