So, I forgot to post the new thread this week. Life is just keeping me pretty busy these days.
I did start Paper Mario though. The one in NSO. And have been thinking about resuming my Fire Emblem: Three Houses play through, but haven’t done anything with it yet.
So, what about you all. What have you all been playing?
I’ve been tediously grinding on Pokémon Scarlet for a Kingambit (Bisharp evolution) for days because I didn’t read the conditions thoroughly online.
Like a dingDong. An absolute buffoon. Maybe now I can finally get to the DLC. 😬
You can actually catch Kingambit in Kitakami. It spawns in the overworld
Heh, happens to all of us. Good luck!
Finished Persona 5 Strikers!
I was extremely impressed with the game - a fantastic spinoff to P5 that manages to be faithful in both style and themes with the original game.
Not sure what I’m going for next, but leaning towards the recently released The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails which looks like a fun action JRPG.
Yeah, Boundless Trails looks pretty good. I’ve added it to my wishlist, but it will be probably be years by the time I get around to it. 😀
F-Zero 99, it’s super addictive!
It is! Have fun!
I’ve been obsessed with gloomhaven since it was released on the switch. Sure it has a lot of UI issues and absolutely devours my switch’s battery life but it really scratches a heavy strategy itch in my brain. It is a very difficult game but with every failed “run” you keep all the gold and experience you gained so even failing a scenario helps progress you towards leveling up and being able to buy new items to help you in future endeavors. Every win I have eked out has felt really hard won and rewarding because of that.
I have been getting interested in actual board-game Gloomhaven, but have to convince a few people to try it, before I actually buy it.
If you have played the board game, how is it compared to that? And are you playing solo or with friends?
[posted this as a top level reply by mistake at first]
I’ve never played the board game because a) it’s pretty pricey and b) I don’t have a consistent group to play it with. I also do love digital adaptations of epic board games because it makes managing turns, cards, health etc way easier. That being said, this port of Gloomhaven is clearly very taxing on the aged hardware of the switch. I’m sure the PC version of the digital adaption runs better/faster/prettier etc. I’ve been playing by myself and despite all my complaints about the switch version, still thoroughly enjoying it.
Yeah, it is pretty pricey, otherwise I would have just bought it and then seen if anyone wants to play or not.
I also don’t have a consistent group. Actually don’t even have a proper group, but it’s my dream to entrap some people with addicting games, so that we can have regular game nights. One day… 😈
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Hearing good things about it, glad you are enjoying it.
On the Switch nothing but did start playing the new EA FC game on the PS5. Honestly with MLB season ending / playoffs starting, the NFL in full swing and the EPL not on another break I am probably more focused on watching sports right now.
How are you liking the new EA FC game? Is it just Fifa 24 with different name, or did they change up a few things to go with the new name?
Also, just curious, do you buy these sports games every year? And how do you play them?
I want back to blasphemous 2. Almost done with it. I am stuck at an extremely hard boss which is second to last. I just a bunch of side stuff before finding the courage to fight him again. If I finish ir any time soon I’ll probably go back to xenoblade chronicles 3
It can be annoying when get stuck like that. Good luck!
Thanks. I just finished the game. I found a guide in Reddit and a guide on a site, mixed their tips and it worked like a charm. Also I was tired when I tried it again but today I was more fresh.
It happens. You get stuck and can’t beat the enemy / boss no matter how hard you try, and then next day you beat it in first try.
How would you review the game? In general, and compared to the first?
I have never played the first game. I jumped directly into the second one and I loved it. I am a big fun of metroidvania games, although I’ve not played that many, and this game does it for me. It was really fun to play and very addictive. It wasn’t very long as hollow knight for example but still an excellent game. I did love its artstyle and music. If you are a fun of such kind of games definitely go for this.
Ah cool. I am weird about this, I always prefer to play from the first one (unless it’s some very old game which is not easily playable now), so going to play the first one first. It’s on my wish list, and have been itching for a nice 2D metroidvania, so will probably play it sometimes soon.
I also always go in order but I don’t know what happened this time. I was just sold on the game from the first moment. I also plan to get the first one eventually
Hehe, well, there are always exceptions for every rule.
Kingdoms of Amalur Re:Reckoning. I like it so far, 22 house in. Storytelling is good an the scenery looks amazing!
Ooooh, I played the original one, on PS3, IIRC. The game was really fun, and I loved the fact that you could easily respec.
Mage class is super over-powered, specially the meteor spell. If you want any semblance of challenge left in the game, don’t use that. I liked being OP though, so that was my opening attack in each fight. 😀
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