I doubt it will work that way, but there is hope that the tarrifs in the USA cuts demand enough for the rest of the world to see prices going down. As not an American, that would be nice.
That usually raises prices.
I think @[email protected] may have meant “increases supply” instead of “cuts demand.” Or maybe meant that the demand from the US market would decrease.
Less sales to the US market means that the rest of the world will have greater supply available. That would bring prices down outside the US.
Exactly, wouldn’t that be ironic that the tarrifs paid by American customers, lower the prices elsewhere. I don’t have much hope, but that’s a happy thought.
Probably won’t be enough to offset the global recession/depression that’s being teed up.
You are not a fan of happy thought I see. I ll have to fall back to nihilism.
Trump’s election is a Brexit for the US.