iMac G4.
The iMac G5 started the fat monitor on a leg design.
Surprised they’re going for 1:1 and not 16:9. I know a lot of people who use tablets and devices in the kitchen and watch videos while cooking. Granted you can do it on a square but you’re gonna be letterboxed at a smaller resolution
I used to be an Apple Certified Technician and had to replace the neck in that G4 and oh my god it was sooooo much work…
I really don’t think people have thought this through. Every current attempt at this has been small and cheap, but this bulky monstrosity would be ugly and expensive.
Personally I hope for mainly a software solution over a cheap/old iPad. Maybe a bigger but cheaper screen. Where’s my family calendar, my photo album, my Weasley clock, my home dashboard and controls, my activity trends? How about a video doorbell where the picture pops up quickly enough to be useful? There have been attempts at this but not any that work well within the Apple ecosystem.
We don’t need another “Amazon Echo Show” and sitting at the table for a video call is not going to happen, we need an appliance for people to manage their lives with
What if an iPad mini and a HomePod mini had a baby
Looks like a kids toy.