Clown country
Hey, FBI… Can I get a warning on my next felony?
Get away with the first two, and you earn a warning, is that how law enforcement works now at the DOJ?
I’m fantasizing about what I’d use my mulligan on. No violence, maybe like a big drug score?
Billionaires get warnings lol.
Poor people get prison rape.
Buy drugs to enjoy in your free time: jail
Buy votes to sway the country and its laws: warningHe probably spends thousands a month on Ketamine… so I don’t know if that’s necessarily true.
Ketamine is my drug of choice, so I believe I can say with almost certainty Elon does not. Because if he did, he’d see how stupid he is and how wrong his decisions are. And what kind of destruction he creates to the world and society.
Since he’s narcissistic AF, believes he owns the world, the law doesn’t apply to him and is better then everyone else I believe his drug of choice is cocain.
His drug of choice is ketamine, it’s well known, he isn’t shy about it. His friends have said something like “he microdoses daily and macrodoses often at parties”
Then his dealer is fucking with him 😂
Musk didn’t buy votes. If he bought anything, then he bought petition signatures.
We didn’t like the term kangaroo court so we just stopped going to court.
They should double-warn him. These limp-wristed single warnings aren’t doing the trick. Maybe even triple-dog-warn him for good measure—no tag-backs.
stop warning them
It’s the us. If you’re rich you get warned
yeah i know. needs to change
“Stop or I will yell ‘stop’ again!”
If Musk was Chinese he’d be in gitmo by now.