Think this is more about taxing companies who have been having it good with the current tax system, the tourist that are planing to come will come.
Iceland is already a pretty expensive place to visit and it’s honestly not that amazing (it’s beautiful for sure, but it didn’t stand out to me). Everywhere you go you have to pay to park and pay to camp. The food, drink, lodging, and transportation is super expensive already and a major part of their economy is built on tourist dollars. I’m curious to see how much the tax would be and how much of it goes to actually protecting their environment.
Good, tourism is way too cheap for the environmental impact, the less people travel the better for the environment.
That is somewhat true but what this also causes is that poorer people have a harder time travelling and visiting other countries while rich people are unnaffected
Considering the climate crisis we’re facing I don’t care, anything to reduce air travel. All countries should turn non-local private jets around too.