It took me some moments to figure out that this is an Android launcher. Nice. I guess it will be on droid at some point.
It’s already on F-Droid if you meant that.
Fossify is great. I replaced some stupid anti-privacy GApps with them.
I downloaded it but I’ll just watch for updates for now. First thing I tried, I wasn’t able to do.
I tried to put a folder of apps on the quick bar (or whatever it’s called) at the bottom of the screen.
It defaults to phone, messages, browser, play store, and camera. I tried putting phone and messages in a folder and it would only let me do that if it was actually on the home screen. Even doing that and trying to drag it into the bar didn’t work.
I’m still glad for this and hope it improves, I just can’t use it yet.
Edit: looks like it’s already a logged issue:
I’ll also keep an eye on it. I really like it’s simplicity, but not allowing me to resize my weather widget to fill the screen horizontally is a deal killer.
The positioning of the icons I can work around, but asymmetric widgets? No way.
Anyone knows one that can do custom categories in drawer?
That’s one of my favorite features of Nova launcher, along with getting rid of the google assistant stuff and the google search bar.
Thanks, but i didn’t like Nova, even though i don’t know anymore, why.
Oh I wasn’t making a recommendation, sorry I wasn’t clear. I was trying to agree that those are desirable features.
Neo Launcher supports that, but has no new builds since 2022, though development is ongoing
They are rewriting Neo Launcher. Some alpha builds are available for testers right now, but yeah, it will take time to get to stable.
Cool but probably not as sexy as KISS will try it anyways
KISS and Fossify Launcher use very different approaches. This one is more like Pixel Launcher.
Nice surprise, I didn’t expect that