Every powerful tool in the hands of a data collection or targeting company like meta, Google, etc. will be abused to collect data. AI is no exception and without regulation will mark another huge step against privacy and the ability to control who owns your personal data.
Good thing the government is full of young legislators that understand technology. /s
By that reasoning, every personal data collecting business is a surveillance technology. Not that I disagree, mind.
It’s inherently linked to surveillance because you need to collect enourmous amounts of data to train the models, which you won’t get from people sending feedback voluntarily.
It is, and governments buy it
Its a tool thats finally able to use all that data they have been hoarding effectively. They weren’t collecting it all just to have it and sell you weird t-shirts
Soon, they will automate the process of buying weird t-shirts, rendering us redundant.
It never sat right to me the use of AI so i’ve never tried it, i wish we could one day have all the current AI features running fully locally so i won’t have some company collecting even more on me.
You can locally generate images with StableDiffusion and chat using Vicuna.
You definitely used AI if you used the internet in the last decade
As in, chat with it or make it generate stuff. Which ive done a few times to try it but hits my paranoia a bit too much. Corporations know more than enough by their trackers alone
She is not wrong. AI is going to “enhance” (and in many ways eclipse) a lot of the extractive web 2.0 models we have all complicitly okayed over time.