A former Florida sheriff’s deputy was arrested on suspicion of manslaughter in connection with the accidental shooting death of his girlfriend, authorities said.
Leslie Boileau called 911 on Thursday night to report that he had “accidentally shot his girlfriend” at their home in Ocala. The girlfriend was found with a handgun on her lap “and a rifle was also present at the scene,” the Ocala Police Department said in a statement on Facebook.
He wasn’t “former” until after he murdered his girlfriend. They fired him because of that. I’m sure he was a perfectly stable and honorable cop and we sure won’t find any skeletons in his station reports.
Like, literal skeletons? Or metephorical ones? Either way, I’m pretty sure we’ll find both
Another “responsible” gun owner.
Just manslaughter eh?
It’s easier to get a warrant for his arrest from a grand jury for manslaughter because it doesn’t require motive, just a dead person. They can always upgrade that too murder if the investigation turns up something.
What would you have him charged with? So far the facts point to this being done without malice