New Mario Speedrun start dropped, that’s pretty big news for Mario 64 120 star runs.
“New summoning salt video dropped”
What? This isn’t a Summoning Salt video, it’s a video from Simply. Am I missing something here or are you really this dumb?
I really am that dumb. Edited.
TIL I can edit post titles on Lemmy. This should prevent some pretty annoying and pointless arguments.
tbf I saw the new title and immediatley thought “Is this a Summoning Salt video?”
So that’s it, I’ve lived to see carpetless as a viable non-TAS strategy. That’s crazy.
Give it time and someone will grind it to a 50-50 chance to complete first try
What I wouldn’t give to have even a tenth of the free time it would take to figure out which fucking frame you have to do this or that. I don’t follow or know anything about speed running or whatever but I just watched this whole video, and this is serious skill. How the hell are people figuring these things out?
They’re mostly teenagers/living with parents. That’s pretty much all it takes to have unlimited free time
This is the only speed running I keep fairly current on, I’m going to watch it right now. Carpetless WHAT! Thanks
It just keeps happening
Born too late to explore the planet, born too early to explore the galaxy, born at just the right time to see the pinnacle of SM64 speed running…