They’re delicious iced too!
Make it at home with ice. Super cheap materials. Pumpkin creamer, cold brew coffee, pumpkin puree, and pumpkin spice powder. Stevia.
Stevia drops to make sure it mixes in well while cold.
just have it. this is the coldest summer of the rest of your life. even if it was just the hottest summer of our lives yet.
it’s never too hot for hot coffee
Engine room of an Iowa-class battleship. This is an oil-burning steam-powered ship. Men would stand at the burners, directly controlling them. Watches were 4 hours long. The room was a constant 140F. You wouldn’t last long if you didn’t stand directly under the outlet of a forced air ventilation duct. Right in the middle of the compartment within easy reach is a coffee pot.
yep. I used to work on a paving crew, you have to wear long pants & sleeves no matter how hot the weather because the mix is coming out of the truck at 300°F and you don’t want any molten flecks getting on your skin. 75% of the crew has partially melted boot soles, but one of their wives just showed up with a box of joe in an insulated hot bag
Just melt down sugar and inject it. Or, freebase
Tell that to my wife
20C and sunny today, possibly the best beach day of the summer around here. And the local Starbucks had a sign up, saying that yhey ran out of pumpkin spice…
Keep that warm weather coming! Keep it coming as long as possible! I am not looking forward to another record cold winter.