This one is supposed to fix the obnoxious explicit sync bugs, so fingers crossed
Been working fine for me on 130 beta
I remember when Firefox was on 3.x for probably a decade
Dang, was hoping vertical tabs would be in it when I seen the nice round 130. I have been trying out Zen browser which seems to be a fancy Firefox skin that has virt tabs and they seem awesome.
Vertical tabs are in the 131 alpha
Tree style tabs ftw
I use this as it is currently the best option available, but it really doesn’t compare in terms of speed
The sidebar is present, but no tabs just yet. The only way I was able to activate the sidebar was changing the chatbot from settings, not sure how to toggle it without doing that.
I tried the flatpak for Zen, but it seem to crash quite a bit. How has your experience been?
So far I haven’t had any crashes, But I am using the app image instead flatpak. I’m going to try zen on a second machine tomorrow.
You can use css. It’s not difficult