Extreme misogyny will be treated as a form of extremism under new government plans, the Home Office has said.
Yvette Cooper, the home secretary, has ordered a review of the UK’s counter-extremism strategy to determine how best to tackle threats posed by harmful ideologies.
The analysis will look at hatred of women as one of the ideological trends that the government says is gaining traction.
Ms Cooper said there has been a rise in extremism “both online and on our streets” that “frays the very fabric of our communities and our democracy”.
As it should. Treating women like lesser than human leads to sexual assault.
Butcisnt that the indented purpose ?
Edit: But isn’t.
The government is totally not going to abuse this
Wowowow, cool it with the islamophobia there
You would like to think the primary target for an anti-misogyny policy would be football hooligans and biker gangs.
But if you’ve got the MET police exclusively targeting Mosques, and rounding up anyone who fails that paper bag test as “high risk misogynists”, that could be a problem.
I could also see this aggressively leveraged by the JK Rowling types to harass queer people.
JK Rowling is two K’s short of a klan.
I’d love to see these laws work against her and her followers. Terfs are just as misogynistic as Tater Tot, it just looks different.
“Oh no, we might be mistaken for trans, ban all trans women.” - Terfs.
It’s no different than homophonic men being afraid of being mistaken as gay. It’s immature and pathetic.
I guess it’s a matter of who is interpreting and applying the law though. Which sucks.
This is Britain and what’s going on here is almost certainly something altogether different than Fighting For Equality.
I remember some years ago in the UK when some Tory who happenned to be female spewed some almost Fascist shit in Twitter and then when she was criticized she claimed the criticism was all because of her gender.
Similarly over the years some of the New Labour members - from were this lady hails - who happened to be female have said horrible shit and then claimed the criticism of them was sexism.
There absolutelly is Misogyny in the UK (the so called “Benevolent” Sexism - the ridiculous idea that women are “fragile and emotional creatures who need to be protected”, which implies they’re “weak” and must be “guided” - is especially common), and Racism, and even Misandry (in different contexts than Misogyny, generally when the person with the most power happens to be female), and Class discrimination, and Wealth Discrimination: IMHO, the UK is one the worst countries in Europe when it comes to Equality in all axis
except the treatment of the LGBTA+ (and even there they’re not the best, though maybe better than most).[edit: from reading other posts, apparently even this has turned to shit since I left that country]When a politician from the Hard Neoliberal faction within the “Not quite as Rightwing but certainly not Leftwing” Party of the duopoly of power in Britain (which, like the US, also has First Past The Post and associated evils) comes with something like this, especially one who has a history of abusing this kind of accusation in the past to deflect valid criticism of her own words (just like Zionists - who curiously this Party unwaveringly supports - use the accusation of “anti-semitism” to deflect valid criticism), be very very wary of the honesty, goodwill and fairness of this.
Want to see the real deal genuine fight for Gender Equality, look at places like Scandinavia and The Netherlands (and at the genuine Feminists of the older generations in the UK), not at the crooked Neolibs of the fakest most anti-Equality country in Europe.
Good. Hating half the population is a pretty extreme take.
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Newsflash 2030:
Single after 30 tax increased yet again by 5%! This decision should come as a good hit to all misogynistic extremists who propogate hateful ideas under MGTOW and evade responsibility!! Hell yeah!
Misogynism Terrorist arrested in [insert place] On [date/time], John Doe is arrested after vicious verbal attack during rejecting a proposal of [woman]. The brave woman resisted his attack and called the local police department which immendiately neutralised and arrested the target.
Survey shows top 10% jobs only has 60% women Our society is transitioning to matriarchy and the importance of top 10% of jobs cannot be overstated, for a society to blossom, it should be lead by wise women, and still 40% men’s participation still shows the presence of hatred and misogyny in workplaces. Thankfully more and more companies are making more reserved positions for woman in top 10% is helping a lot.
For legal reasons this is a joke
For legal reasons this is a joke
no other reasons apply