As expected seems that there is fraud.
Yea, it’s absolutely impossible that Maduro would end up with less than 95% of the votes - clearly a recount is called for… otherwise his buddies stuffed all those ballot boxes for nothing.
I thought he was at 52 or something
It is all dependent on the military. Like in 2015 the ghouls from the military decided to get behind the dictator and positioned themself against the people. They know they all have corpses to hide. They know if there will ever be a legitimate justice system, these butchers will be held accountable. They are afraid that they will have to answer these crimes under a legitimate system and collude with the dictator that has equal amounts of blood on his hands. Maduro is a murderer and a vassal of the Chinese-Russia-Iran connection. His game is supression, corruption and power.
Exit polls aren’t legal in Venezuela which is likely going to influence who and how many people actually respond. Take them with a big grain of salt.
Yea, it’s looking like everything is going to stay the same without a “smoking gun” of fraud.
PS: If the electoral commission declares Maduro winner without publishing the detailed national results…that is a smoking gun by omission.
Maduro “wins” just as he “won” every ellection. We dont have to wait for any fraud confirmation since +5 million venezuelans were not allowed to vote.
yeah, I noticed the low vote counts, but I thought it was just low turnout
Man, the usual suspects on Lemmy are working a ton of overtime on this one.
Exit polls run by US actors and by the opposition
Ah yes, my favourite. It’s been a while since we had a good old colour revolution. The CIA’s getting their mojo back.
Every revolution is a colour revolution, right? The Chinese revolution was helped by the Kremlin, was that a colour revolution? Or just the ones you don’t like?
Either way, it doesn’t look like there is going to be any revolution, so keep your colourful russian talking points to yourself.
The fuck.
Tankie, just ignore
What specifically do you like so much about Maduro
Color revolution is when voting for the opposition.