Do you think their name might possibly rhyme with “rump?” As in “spanked in the rump with a Forbes magazine by a porn star you’re cheating on your wife with?”
Possibly, but that barely narrows it down
If this is such an important matter it kind of makes me wonder why the name isn’t flat out in the title
Because you’d have to be a fool to think it was Biden or Kennedy and there’s really only one other possibility.
A past preferred candidate? Trump has been a straight up Russian stooge since the fucking 1980s. I am so sick of the media tip toeing around this shit. Gee, I wonder if it’s because more than half the media was bought by the same handful of right-wing douchebags that are promoting Trump and Russian interests. The real coup happened in 2016.
Seriously. If you’re going to leak to the press at least just say the fucking name
What a surprise! Putler wants to install the guy on whom he has a strong compromat collection in the White House as a sock puppet. Shocking!
Trump might not understand much, but he understands power, and he knows that Putler has powers over him. So as much as Trump kicks ass of those under him, he sucks ass to Putler.
I’m not disagreeing with you, but stop saying putler. It sounds forced as fuck and takes away from the points you’re trying to make.
We know. We must defend our democracy!
Dictators Unite! With the help of billionaires! Brave New World! F**k
Let’s get the jokes out of the way…
No, I’m not Russian. No, Putin isn’t my boss. Etc etc
Yeah. We get it. You’re an American doing Putin’s work for free. That isn’t better.
Heard it. Say something original…
I’m not your puppet but I understand why you expect I must be; your lived experience contains nothing else.
Good enough.