Ohhhh… Yeah, if that had been a Baptist school they would have won. I’m sure someone said, “if the Catholics get a school then the muslims and satanists will want one too.” Right call, wrong reason.
The AG responsible for this said almost literally that, in the article.
Now Oklahomans can be assured that our tax dollars will not fund the teachings of Sharia Law or even Satanism.
I’ll still take it, though.
I’ll still take it as a W
You’re thinking of the Deep South. Baptists aren’t a big thing in OK, in fact I always thought they were viewed as slightly weird.
Growing up there most families i knew were Baptist or Church of Christ, with a few methodists thrown in. Used to joke that Oklahoma would stay dry as long as Baptists could stumble to the polls.
ETA- All of my friends went to Falls Creek camp. They invited me but i was never allowed to go because one friend told a story about hammering nails into a cross and crying. That’s where most people i knew had their first ‘romantic experiences’ - first kiss, etc.
Could it be? Is Oklahoma…finally OK, if only temporarily??
Not really, but our supreme Court is alright. Rest of it government is worthless.
Why are charter schools called public in the US? Just because they are funded with public money? We call them private in Sweden as they are directed by a private entity and the profits are also private.
Some people call them public because they are funded by the government, not by tuition or private donors. The claim is that a private company freed from government restrictions can do a better job more efficiently.
That’s a huge load of bullcrap: diverting public school funds from the school system toward private profit
Public funds should not pay for private for-profit education where the government has little to no oversight over curriculum (which I’m sure is not the case in Sweden). That’s what happens in the US. We’re broken.
There is quite some regulation on the curriculum, but the school system in sweden is completely ruined. The charter schools are allowed unlimited profits, they give away high grades for free just to get a greater score, they turn away kids they think will be too expensive. It’s a free fall dumpster fire.
In this decision, which is linked in the first paragraph of the article, it says a public school must be nonsectarian.
huh, non-corrupt judges? In this timeline that seems wrong…
In Oklahoma too!