if its gonna be the billionaire climate refuge, it can’t be infested with poors now can it?
But who’s going to work for those billionaires? You know it is all cool and dandy to be super rich as long as there are poorer people willing to do your chores and service you for crumbs.
oh i’m sure they are keeping some of them for that
Uhg, this is tough to hear. Was considering migrating to New Zealand.
I left NZ a few years ago and one of my main reasons were the lower incomes and high cost of housing. It all came down to the fact that I couldn’t even afford to rent a flat by my self, whereas right across the Tasman I could earn twice the salary and have a comparable if not lower cost of living.
Eventually I’ve ended up in Europe and I’m earning almost 4 times of what I was earning back home. I’ve considered coming back, bit the prospect of maybe never being able to own a home keeps me away.
You’ve got to pay the premiums because all the wealthy dipshits need to build the bunkers when this POS they’ve created collapses 😊
That is the exact reason I’m leaving the US… Can’t afford these damned $1500/month rent prices after insane medical expenses.
Guess I’m back to the drawingboard on where to go though, haha.
*Immigrate sounds weird does it not?
During COVID, I remember being envious of NZ’s government. Now I’m vaguely aware they were feeling left out and decided to elect their own Trump/La Pen/AfD/Sunak-style train wreck government.