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His whole Western obsession/trope is getting really old. I wish they’d quit with these shitty western movies starring dollar store Eastwood.
I enjoy some Westerns, but the more we actually think about that era, the worse it gets. Apart from the West being relatively open to ex-slaves, it was still full of bigoted Confederate soldiers and people who had no qualms about killing “Redskins.” On top of that, the whole idea of people ready to shoot each other over a card game has been supplanted by much worse real-life insanity.
The only movie I can think of that shows how crazy the whole “everyone wants to shoot each other over the slightest thing” Western concept was a movie called The Gunfighter with Gregory Peck. (The irony in the title is intentional.)
It’s available on YouTube.
Old people are dying off
I haven’t seen anything about this movie that makes me want to suffer through a night at the theater to watch it once. All of the promotional material is Costner in a hat and shades of straw yellow.
Knowing there are four parts makes me irrationally angry at anyone who thought this wouldn’t be a bomb.
I haven’t seen anything about this movie. At all. Not a great sign.