To be clear: “NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced on Monday that 23 of its 32 member states were expected to meet the alliance’s defense spending commitments this year. That is 13 countries more compared to last year’s data, and five more than an earlier estimate in February.”
This kind of ramp up takes time to come to fruition. It’s not like we can just earmark the funds and suddenly be prepared for Russia’s future designs on the Baltics. We’ve got to (at minimum) keep them busy with Ukraine for as long as possible, and ideally get Ukraine free and clear ASAP ahead of a NATO bid. Especially as a Russian defeat would hopefully leave no opportune moment for China to take on further territorial ambitions. These things are all connected. Lot more lives on the line than most realize.
Good, maybe America can lower ours and use that for healthcare instead.
I can dream at least
Can anyone else hear sabres rattling?
Ain’t sabers rattling a precursor to war? Russia’s been at it a couple of years already, I wonder why you’re only hearing them now.
Russia is not at war with NATO, NATO is not a country, NATO’s demands of 2% spending on military does nothing to de-escalate the situation, NATO membership for ukraine was used as a partial justification for the russian invasion, and it has been clarified that ukraine was never getting in
NATO is a front established to counter communism by the rabid imperialist american empire, if the united states had an interest in sheathing their sabres NATO would be dismantled
the united states has at this point agreed to send more money to ukraine than was sent during the marshall plan (marshal was later given a nobel peace prize for his work
combatting communismrebuilding democracy)have fun dying in a trench when you get called up, be a good lad and run along now, your spilled blood will line the pockets of american arms executives
Firstly, absolutely nobody in this comment chain said Russia was at war with NATO.
Second, it’s Russia that started invading independent foreign countries in this recent conflict, of course Russia’s neighbours and their allies aren’t going to reduce their spending, they don’t want to risk being invaded or threatened.
Third, it is true that they haven’t really tried to deescalate the situation, but I don’t see how they could unless Russia accepts to entirely leave all of Ukraine’s territory, which Russia is unwilling to do. There can be no compromise here, anything else would make Russia the imperialist state…
And just stop with the personal attacks, they only end up making your arguments less credible
What I read is “waaah waaah waaah tankie maaad waah”
Tankie is big mads. I’m not worried at all. I just can’t possibly imagine living you life around all these trumpeters and incel tankies. Like is it just you all repeating acKtually at each other all day?