I just love this guy when he’s riled up. Makes me feel all warm and cozy 🤣
Just cancelled my Adobe sub. Even if I was comfortable with how they use my data (and I am most assuredly fucking not) I’m also uncomfortable with them helping themselves to the NDA’d projects I do for clients. I trialed Affinity Photo and it meets 98% of my needs and is on sale 50% off right now. Bite my ass, Adobe.
I do love the term “Rufiee E.U.L.A.”
Because honestly that’s mostly what they are.
Started watching him repair boards back in the day, enjoyed him going after companies to start with, and it’s just become exhausting now
I get where you’re coming from, however I reckon he’s doing a huge public service in this regard, imagine someone just happens to click on one of his vids and learns how scummy corpos are. That’s why I believe he should continue with these callouts, but yeah I’d like to see more actual repair stuff in future.
Designers if youre in a pinch, photopea.com is free.
I fucking love Louis, knows his shit, isn’t afraid to call shitfuckery out for what it is.
I genuinely can’t recall a video of his I’ve watched that hasn’t been informative, entertaining or both.
My opinion if him continues to climb, however, as instructed, if he ever uses adobe premiere for a video and I find out about it, it’s an unsub from me.
I don’t trust this grifter after he tried to rewrite the definition of open source.
I don’t say I trust him, don’t even know him. Having said that, his videos are mostly well evidenced, and it is still super fun to see him blasting these companies.
Can you elaborate on that? I don’t really follow him that closely. I thought he was the guy that fights for right to repair.
FUTO is the organisation Rossmann works for.
Thanks for that. Almost all the software I use is open source, and honestly I don’t pay close enough attention to what the license is. I should probably read up on them, but I’m not profiting off them either and I try to contribute where I can.