Having imported ladybugs into a greenhouse for the express purpose of exterminating aphids, I can tell you with certainty that they’re kinda dumb. A leaf completely coated with aphids will see 4 plucked and obliterated by mandibles, and 50 ignored, only to search for more distant prey. The buffet is right there, why are you searching for scraps beneath it?
But there’s nothing quite like seeing the little shits disappear into an organic shredder, clawing desperately, fruitlessly at survival. I fucking despise aphids.
“Listen to that birdsong, so beautiful!”
“Hey, wanna fuck?” “Anybody up for fucking?” “Somebody please suck my bird dick!”
I think that every time I hear the frogs go off.
"Pick me! PICK ME!
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me…”
tbh that only makes them better. Aphids can go suck it. but not literally. please stop sucking.
Ladybug DOOM music intensifies
RIP and TEAR (aphids)
BOOOOMMMM (Grynewaht)
I wish we got ladybugs here. All we get is Asian beetle lookalikes and they are straight from hell.
Aphid poop ruined my car. They get what they deserve. #TeamLadybug