The president made the remark while arguing that Japan, along with Russia and China, would perform better economically if the countries embraced immigration more.
Oh, well that’s true enough. Japan is crazy anti immigration despite that being a solution to their low birth rate.
I can’t speak to Russia or China, but Japan has a history of xenophobia going back CENTURIES. It’s not exactly a newsflash.
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True, also: from what I understand, Korea has been historically worse.
Just looked it up, looks like a nosedive!
Immigration absolutely helps the US economy, because it parasitically siphons all the skilled workers out of other countries that it underdevelops and hoards their labor for itself.
People think remittances help underdeveloped countries, but labor is the superior of capital, losing that skilled labor is never worth the paltry sums that get sent back home. It’s just another shape that imperialism takes.
Did you just say people moving to the US for a better life are a part of imperialism?
Don’t misunderstand, the people moving to the US are blameless. Imperialism works by siphoning up all of the skilled labor around the world for itself in order to make life better for people within the imperial core, and this is part of how the imperial nations underdevelop other countries. People get educations in their home countries (often at the government’s expense) and then they take that education out of the country to put it to use in the US (or France or Canada etc). They’re just going where the jobs are, though, that’s not their fault at all.
Except where there’s little opportunity to utilize the highly skilled labor. They are going abroad anyway to find job opportunities befitting of their skill set and the highest bidder. Doesn’t matter if the US or EU took them, they’re leaving because the local opportunity doesn’t exist.
Yes, and the people who could develop that local opportunity aren’t there. They all leave as soon as they can.
That’s why I said they’re underdeveloped countries. They’re not “developing” in truth, but are being kept from becoming developed. How do you think that happens? In part it happens because of the IMF giving predatory loans and then imposing austerity on the people when the government can’t pay their loans back, but it also happens because labor is the superior of capital and these countries are losing skilled labor.
I am not blaming them for leaving their countries. I am blaming underdevelopment, which is a product of imperialism.
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About all 3 tbh. China and russia are literally in the middle of committing genocides. Doesnt get much more xenophobic than that lol
He’s not wrong but also I believe there’s a saying in English about stones and glass houses.
Xeno Biden doesn’t care.
As neat as Japan sounds and as much as I’d like to be there, I mean, he’s not wrong
I watch YouTubers who moved to and live there talk about how they’re just indefinitely treated like a tourist
China xenophobic? I don’t think Biden knows what the word means. The oldest mosque outside of the Middle East is in China of all places built in 627 CE, and still standing.
What happened to the mosques in Spain and Occupied Palestine? Turned into bars and chicken coops.
Who cares what this genocidal fascist has to say. The sooner he kicks it the better it will be for everyone else.
Pretty much every country in the world where citizenship, nationality, and ethnicity are the same thing you find xenophobia.
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I don’t live in Japan. But, I don’t see the issue with Japan being ‘xenophobic’.
Xenophobia is a bad thing, so being xenophobic is bad too. 👍
FFS. In a site where “news” = “stupid shit that happens in the US”, can something named “world news” exclude the US? Please? Does it need to be called “non US news”?
I know other countries are mentioned here. But it’s just the ramblings of dementia.
Wait Biden actually said something true?
As always, more projection
Lol what?
The US is one of the most xenophobic countries in the world.
Don’t get out much, eh? Xenophobia is present all throughout the world in different amounts, it has its roots in any insulated human nature. The US is far from the worst on Earth though, despite whatever cherry-picked propaganda one may read. We just do have some, particularly in more interior regions.
I don’t hear about other countries doing forced sterilization on immigrants.
Yeah I’m not clicking on that. Assuming it’s about the ICE facility allegations from 2020 though. And yeah, Trump is a monster. Make no mistake, the US could go fully fascist if we let it, there are certainly xenophobic elements within the country. It’s not a majority opinion though.
“majority opinion” doesn’t matter, government actions do. Regardless of the majority opinion, what has occurred and other things that continue to occur are irreparably destroying lives and killing people.
If all government actions from any point in time are what matter, and not the democratic opinions of the populace or the actions of the current government, then I’d say the worst was Mongolia under Genghis Khan.
This is emphatically wrong on every level. You’re calling an entire country and it’s inhabitants xenophobic, yet you’re referring to the actions of a far-right figure we not only voted out of office, but never voted to put in in the first place (he lost the popular vote.)
You’re ironically very xenophobic - even if you are American. Because most Americans are welcoming as part of our culture. To be against that is not only wrong, it’s also very unfounded.
It’s really not. Not to sound like I’m erasing racism in the US, but the reason you hear about it is because it’s tested and contested so much. It’s almost always way worse in more homogeneous nations.
Have you ever actually been outside the US?
I’d argue they’ve ever never been inside it, or they live in some crazy, far-right city.
Americans are so racist they don’t even realize how racist they are, and get mad when you point it out.
It’s the second largest multi-ethnic democracy on Earth.
What do you mean by this? I live in the US on the Mexico border and we are extremely welcoming.
Stop getting your facts from Fox News.
People are allowing perfect be the enemy of good. We could treat migrants better and improve the visa pipeline, but once they acclimate they are just another person.
I don’t think you know what that word means.
Mr. “Super-predators” and “kill their women and children”?