“Sure she has done a genocide or two but look at that rack!” - Esdeath fans
Vegeta literally blew up entire planets before he became an anti-hero type. He never really reformed, he kind of just got bored being evil.
A morally grey character is one that commits the most heinous shit, but is also hot
“I can fix her” said the weabo as he hurtled towards the mass of simps spouting the same.
Oh god that series caught me off guard
Tap for spoiler
When main characters started dropping like flies I wasn’t prepared for that.
I do recommend the manga, its way less… bloodthirsty (still thirsty af tho)
The Death Star was an inside job. Emperor Palpatine is a good guy who brought peace and prosperity to the Galaxy. What the so-called Rebel Alliance terrorist organization did was wrong, and I’m tired of pretending it was not.
Also Gandalf was a demagogue taking advantage of the naive and gullible in order to set Middle Earth back centuries, all because racial supremacist elves desired to overthrow the human kingdoms and install their puppet Aragorn. They’ve used new age mysticism to bamboozle the masses! Wake up, sheeple!
Is the villain crying in the last panel??
That’s because he IS Pagliacci.
Compelling villains are written with a deeper motivation for their actions than just ‘hurt people’ or ‘be evil’ and they have a tendency to challenge the status quo in some way. Such villains become sympathetic because the current status quo is oppressive.
It must be very difficult to write a villain for a contemporary piece of media because they can very quickly become a hero of the people.
The problem is you can also make the villain a manchild whos sick of people not agreeing with him and the internet will call him based
based jack horner
Proof that neither following the law nor traditional morality are being appreciated by today’s youth.
The reason for that should be obvious.
Basically the Ghoul from Fallout
he aint the villain though, more an anti-hero or something like that
Fair enough, although he still does a lot of evil shit and everyone instantly forgives him and loves him.
I’m not knocking it, I’m one of those people.
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