24k tuition? Are we living in 2015?
There’s like three hundred million Americans, and I feel like nowhere near enough of them are passionate about how higher education and unpaid athletes performing for the commercial benefit of rich people should have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
I would be passionate about it if anybody would listen to me decrying how ridiculous the entire shenanigan is. But I have a feeling nobody would ever listen to me.
If Elon musk or Bill Gates or
Steve Jobs…sry deador President Biden or John Cena were passionate about how higher education and unpaid athletes performing for the commercial benefit of rich people should have absolutely nothing to do with each other… then I think people would listen.
I know this is a meme, but I do think it’s worth mentioning most D1 popular sports costs like, coach’s salaries, scholarships, facilities, equipment, and travel, aren’t funded through the university.
It’s still a pretty messed up system, don’t get me wrong. Just pointing out the universities aren’t giving scholarships to athletes instead of students… at least not directly.
still trying to work out the economics of paying for college, and having all my work published under them. And potentially not even owned by me.
Seems rather weird to pay for that.