-3 id the hidden dark version character of the solution, like evil ryu or devil jin.
Doesn’t x also equal -3?
You found the other
Now kiss
🎶 I was made for solving you baby 🎶
Uhm, actually 🤓☝️!
Afaik sqrt only returns positive numbers, but if you’re searching for X you should do more logic, as both -3 and 3 squared is 9, but sqrt(9) is just 3.
If I’m wrong please correct me, caz I don’t really know how to properly write this down in a proof, so I might be wrong here. :p
(ps: I fact checked with wolfram, but I still donno how to split the equation formally)Fund the sqrter!
Also math teacher…
“Show your work”
The number of solutions/roots is equal to the highest power x is raised to (there are other forms with different rules and this applies to R and C not higher order systems)
Some roots can be complex and some can be duplicates but when it comes to the real and complex roots, that rule generally holds.
To translate: As a child learning math this equates to “ignore math, the explanations don’t explain anything real, they only explain more math.“
“The only explanation is more abstraction with no real world application as far as math class is concerned. Frankly, there’s more application to your own life experience if you focus on language and the arts.”
I’m guessing that you were one of those “I won’t ever use all this math” kind of students?
I was one of those students who asked how it would be used, the teachers didn’t do the whole real world application part, and I never needed to go past trig.
I work with engineers and use math like any other human on the planet but really wish mathematics was taught differently to make it more interesting. You hear a PHD candidate talk about the hairy ball problem and the math is interesting. Math class never was.
Or you were just shit at maths and don’t have any idea how useful it is because you avoid it like the plague.
Middle school math memes
Oh, I know this one! It’s pi!
Help how do i take factorial of pi
My teacher explained as sqrt(poop^2) = abs(poop). Yes, he wrote poop on the blackboard.
-3 = 3
Adding 3 on both sides
0 = 6
1•0 = 6
1 = 6/0
1 = inf
Multiplying e^(iπ) on both sides,
e^(iπ) = - inf
iπ = ln|-inf|
π = ln|-inf| ÷ i
1/0 isn’t infinity though.
Like if everything else is true.
1/0 can be infinity as a limiting case but not always. So imma use what i like since i also took ln|x| (took mod out of nowhere just to make it positive)
Division is repeated subtraction. How many times can you subtract 0 from 1?
I gotta say second half of that goes over my head, but I raise my hat to you
I remember you. You saved me from rickroll on xkcd
Damn me
I know the math but I still feel like I’m out of the loop somehow?