Depends. Will the AI overlords be programmed to be religious, pointlessly bigoted, or crave as many digits in their bank accounts as possible?
Ai is trained on human generated content, so there’s no reason to expect them to not have all of our own flaws.
Here’s a tip about “AI” - it’s just a probabilistic model trained on human behavior. If you think it’s going to behave differently than how people behave right now you’re in for disappointment.
It behaving like people is the problem.
That’s a pretty low bar. Worse case scenario we go extinct - we’re doing our best to speed run that with or without AI anyway, might as well give the robots a shot.
I can think of worse than extinction. AI could create all sorts of hell depending on it technical capabilities. But most likely it’ll align with it’s investors motives - profit.
Robots with 1st amendment
Well he did, too.
John’s actually like “Bitches, did we fucking stutter?”
Even if they’re only able to get smiling right it would be an improvement.
John Connor is friends with an AI. Multiple AI if you include the series and movies after T2.
It (AGI) certainly couldn’t do much worse. CURRENT AI could though, but at this point I’m to old and tired to care. I welcome our benevolent and merciful AI overlord(s).
Waiting for Halo 4 Cortana