oh my god the rednecks are gonna fucking lose it this is delicious.
They already lost it before the album came out: https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2024/02/14/beyoncs-new-songs-arent-getting-played-on-country-radio---despite-streaming-success/?sh=19f22d027a1f
No qualms with rich white Detroit Kid Rock doing country but can’t have a black woman who grew up in Texas making country songs.
Almost like… radio stations are privately owned businesses that know it’s not a good idea to piss of their (very few remaining) listeners? Who gives a fuck what country radio stations are doing lol
Radio stations are in a privileged position of control over the scarce piece of radio spectrum they use to broadcast, and deserve to be regulated in exchange for that privilege.
I’m not saying the FCC should force them to play Beyonce, but the “iTs a pRiVatE bUsINeSS” argument is 100% bullshit in this case.
Should radio stations be regulated? Yes (we both agree on this). Should those regulations include forcing them to play songs against their commercial interests? No (we also both agree on this).
I genuinely don’t even understand what kind of argument you’re trying to make here.
I genuinely don’t even understand what kind of argument you’re trying to make here.
I’m pointing out that the “it’s a private business” argument doesn’t apply. The radio station can choose not to play Beyonce because the FCC allows it to make that choice, not because it has some sort of inherent right to make that choice.
not because it has some sort of inherent right to make that choice
The US legal system works on “all powers not explicitly stated to belong to [governing body] are not granted” so, yes, the radio station does have an inherent right to make that choice. The FCC doesn’t allow them that right. Rather, they don’t forbid them from it, which is completely different.
No, that’s not true. The FCC explicitly has the power (as delegated by Congress) to regulate interstate commerce, which includes radio spectrum since radio waves cross state lines.
We don’t care. It wasn’t that good of a song. If it wasn’t for hype-fluff like this it would be forgotten already.
Album’s so bad it’s number one.
I’m happy for her and all, but I feel this would be more impressive if it was anyone Else. Beyonce has a huge following and “The Hive” would help prop her up more than anyone else. Get your bag I guess.
I’ll never quite understand the hype to artists like Beyonce. Of course “she” won. She is actually a conglomerate of like 100 song writers, dozens of producers, hundreds of engineers, mixers and editors, backup vocals, etc. It’s not like back in the day when an artist got big by their own merit, now it’s an over produced and manufactured artist that wins, and yes she’s talented, because she’s been manufactured to be
Beyond that, her husband is a billionaire investor (formerly musician, but who are we kidding to still use that descriptor). Even with her success, which can be criticized from both sides enough, that alone precludes her from being one of the “good ones.”
How is the album?
My wife has played me some of the songs. The music is fine, if boring, but the lyrics… Amateurish would be the the kindest word I could use. I know pop musicians aren’t known for deep meaningful lyricism but Beyonce sounds like a middle schooler that did her poetry assignment the night before it was due. It’s honestly atrocious.
Even the covers are kinda bad too, at least to me. Your mileage may vary on those. At least the guitar on Jolene is pretty good.
People like her don’t write her own lyrics. She’s got a whole team. She doesn’t really do anything but show up, she’s got actual People who do the rest
Wow, that’s crazy awesome. Good for her!
Not a big deal nowadays. Anyone can do that with hype.
Go for it, I believe in you
I am the hype!
The hypes already started! We believe in you OP!