I’ve worry about the battery, being plugged in for ages, without some sort of additional BMS like AccA.
If you wanted to do something like this you could put the charger on one of those electrical plugs with a timer, or a smart plug that’s switched on when the battery reaches a certain threshold
I ran a Minecraft server on termux and (IIRC) AnLinux once. It worked surprisingly well.
you can run tor on it
I am trying to lear basic HTML/CSS/JavaScript ( again, last learned HTML back in the 1990’s, am using “JavaScript: The Good Parts” & other books ),
& have discovered that you can have, on the same phone/tablet, Termux/Nginx running,
you have to feed /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/nginx/nginx.conf the root-dir you want it to use
( which is actually in a proot-distro install, down below
/data/data/llcom.termux/files/usr/var/lib/proot-distro/installed-rootfs/ … )
… and then you can have your browser hit
and it’ll grab index.html.
Notice that that is http, NOT httpS.
None of the browsers I’ve tried can get the default connection to localhost, because they all default to https, & nginx isn’t serving https.
That wasted an entire fscking day, to discover.
Now learning can begin!