So he had a “show” on X and now it’s been cancelled. But Don Lemon wasn’t banned from X, so the interview is on his personal account.
I guess I’m just not too informed, but what does it mean to have a “show” on X vs. just being a person who posts videos? Is there some kind of more monetization if you have an official “show” on there?
They have some kind of revenue sharing in place but I doubt it pays much seeing as the company is bleeding money and advertisers want nothing to do with it.
Yeah it’s not good.
and it should be noted actual numbers are hard to find, which is sketch.
compared to youtube’s ~55%
Ashley St. Clair saying 7 G’s for 840 M I L L I O N impressions is an “awesome payout number” and “really cool stuff” is the most out of touch shit I’ve ever seen.
eLon goosed the payment for Mr. Beast or something did he?
It didn’t even get canceled because of the content he wanted wanted to produce, he was demanding like an $800 million dollar salary and a brand new Cyber Truck, lol.
Elon is quite obviously emotionally stunted. Probably from drug abuse.
I think the more likely explanation is that he’s a nepo baby who has never had to account for his actions, and who surrounds himself with people who tell him how great and smart he is.
He has apartheid brain
At this point I genuinely don’t know whether to say he needs more or less drugs.
i mean, are we concerned if he becomes a vegetable? I’m not, but are we?
Then again, I’m not buying that guy drugs. Like buying gold for King Midas…
What drugs did he use regularly? This is the first time I’ve heard anything along these lines.
Some of the more obvious symptoms of addiction are disruptions to an individual’s external life, including their relationships, family, jobs, friends, and economic struggles. It is clear that drug and alcohol abuse damages a person’s overall health, but addiction also stunts internal factors like emotional growth and social development. When an adult is an addict, society still expects the individual to act a certain way and be responsible. Adults are supposed to be wiser and more aware of the consequences of their actions and their impact on other people. Unfortunately, most adult addicts make decisions that would not classify them as responsible adults. When adults are deep in their addiction, they usually do not weigh the consequences of their actions. With this mindset controlling their actions, individuals struggling with addiction live according to their emotional age, not their actual age. Not worrying about other people’s emotions, let alone their own, makes addicts emotionally unaware and unable to act their age.
PHYSICAL AGE VS EMOTIONAL AGE What is the difference between emotional and physical age? Physical age is predictable and backed up by science. For example, general age can be classified through stepping stones like losing baby teeth, the age when your bones stop growing, and when women experience menstruation and menopause. Overall, physical age is inevitable and will progress. Emotional age, on the other hand, is not guaranteed to grow.
Emotional age is dependent on the individual’s life experiences and responses to situations and the consequences of their actions. As with all individuals, emotions are unpredictable and adjustable. Individuals who abuse drugs or alcohol, however, are at risk for stunting their emotional growth because they continue with harmful behavior and immature and unacceptable actions. For most addicted individuals, emotional upset stems from their childhood. Many begin to use drugs or alcohol to mask their problems and avoid dealing with difficult situations upfront. This makes it more difficult for addicted people to handle the circumstances of their actions and leaves their emotional growth stuck in the same spot as when they started using toxic substances.
The “drugs” in question, at least as mentioned in the interview, are a ketamine prescription which he takes for treating depression.
It’s on YT if you want to watch it.
It’s incredible how within 10 seconds Elon looks like an absolute moron.
Talking about racism and Elon saying he does not agree with it being a massive factor in the country and Don argues to the contrary only for them both to agree that the US has handled it the best is just laughable.