The only real complaint I have with helldivers is the controls are a little muggy. They put out a polished product with good options that isn’t so paywalled as to be difficult to make progress with but still gives them a revenue stream to keep the live service, which actually adds value beyond “play the game”, running.
What do you mean about the controls? I have no complaints in that realm but maybe I’m overlooking something.
The cross platform friend requests bugs mean I still havent been able to play with the friends who convinced me to buy the game in the first place. But yeah, otherwise quite fun.
Its 100x better of a starship troopers game than the actual starship troopers game that came out last year
Eh, they grew on me
I may honestly check it out. Watched some gameplay vids last night and it looked like a blast. I’m especially intrigued by friendly fire always being on, as that was such fun gameplay addition but this is entirely baked into the experience
I’m definitely glad one of the call outs is, “I’m sorry”
Y’know, I distinctly remember the friendly fire being the thing I didn’t like about the first one. It was initially very “Oh haha you killed me!” but then something kept you from getting to play again for a long time, and so it was hard to just shrug it off. I’m assuming it’s something somewhat different now.
It’s not as bad as the first one. Some weapons and stratagems are more prone to it (looking at you airburst radius that always seems too big) but since there’s more of a height component you aren’t constantly getting shot by teammates. and because you aren’t confined to the same small area there’s less of a chance of stratagem strikes and hellbombs killing everyone.
There is a bit of a learning curve in terms of knowing the radius of certain stratagems and backblasts and arc range of some of the weapons, but once you get past that friendly fire incidents are much lower. That being said, if you run into someone else’s line of fire you are partially to blame as well.
From the vids I saw, a lot of it is early hijinks at first. Then when shit starts hitting the fan constant communication necessary so you don’t accidentally merc your homies
With all the talk I may have to break down and give it a try. Haven’t done an online shooter since medal of honor allied assault lol.
You won’t regret it. I’ve gotten so much fun out of this game so far.
You sold it to me!
Its fun! Running, explosions, bugs to squash…
Ragdoll hilarity every game too. Great fun.
But did it really earned that much money, considering that Arrowhead was working on this game for nine years ?
Just bought it on PS5 last night… Playing Solo is VERY hard, at least at the start, as you get overrun by bugs/bots easily.
Today, playing online, a young Spanish kid was on the team who didn’t know English and kept talking on the mic and killing us (his teammates) and then laughing hysterically.
I then killed him and one of our team mates revived him for some reason.
After he came back he tried to hunt me down, but I killed him again, and then no one revived him and he left the game and then blocked me, lol
For democracy!
The game really looks fantastic. I watched 2 minutes of it and got motion sick 🥲
You can disable camera shaking and some post process features such as motion blur, then it’s no different from any other shooter game in terms of motion patterns.
Compression and motion blur is not a good combo. I’m sure it would be way better if you played it yourself