• GingaNinga
    707 months ago

    I like their games but its such a weird company. like… people had been asking for bluetooth for wireless headphones on switch for years and it had just never been a feature. then one day… they like, just turned it on and said hey you can use wireless headphones now! like, that took 4 years! absolutely bizarre.

    • @[email protected]
      187 months ago

      Sony can’t even include basic features in new console releases. Like themes, music players, or folders. Multiple consoles in a row now.

    • Bobby Turkalino
      -17 months ago

      The Switch came out right around when people were bitching about phones getting rid of headphone jacks, which the Switch does have. I really don’t see the problem with including a headphone jack from the start, focusing on releasing a stable system first, and adding Bluetooth headphone support later.

      Adding Bluetooth audio support is not as simple as slapping a bluetooth radio in your system, especially when you have a custom operating system like the Switch’s

  • @[email protected]
    437 months ago

    Saying that you have to keep your games on your system because otherwise there would be no reason to choose one system over another is a strange admission. And not one that on its face benefits gamers.

    • @[email protected]
      257 months ago

      Always assume that corporate decisions benefits the corporation. If decisions somehow align with customers needs and wants, it’s a positive side effect.


    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      That’s been the motto of video game console makers basically since the beginning of time, they want vendor lock-in. We are starting to see things shift a little bit. Microsoft is becoming a software company over hardware wanting their games to be on every platform.(GamePass is amazing. I say this as a PS fan boy) Sony is starting to follow suit with PC release these days. Helldivers stands out as the only game I can think of they have released same day on PC and not 6 months to a year later.

      Nintendo will always be eccentric it’s kind of been their thing since the release of the NES. No one thought the NES would sell and basically had to give retailed their games and be paid back later by the retail stores. Just accept Nintendo for being a little different than everyone else and that’s okay to be a little bit of a snowflake. We need something/one a little different

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        Well put! I like Nintendo for what it is. I don’t like everything it does, but, a lot of it. And, a lot of it is excellent.

    • Stern
      47 months ago

      … And not one that on its face benefits gamers.

      Bold of you to think a corp is doing anything to benefit their consumers.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        I know what you mean, but Nintendo is a pretty bad example to illustrate that sentiment. I mean, they totally do corporate crap to benefit them and not the players obviously, but the Zelda series is literally built around the gimmicks of the console. They start thinking about a gimmick, either on the console and / or how to turn that into a gameplay gimmick, and then they make a Zelda game around that. OoT had the rumble pack and then tried to do Ura Zelda that was supposed to be the system seller for the DD64 - but that blew up and was salvaged between Master Mode and Majora’s Mask. The GameCube had Four Swords with the connection to the GBA and the multiplayer. The Wii had Skyward Sword with the motion thing, the Wii U had the separate tablet. The DS then the 3DS weren’t too relevant for Zelda but they tried, and other games did rely on it.

        I’m not saying it’s a fact for the whole series, but Nintendo is particularly famous for developing a gimmick console and then building games around that, so yes, the physical console is actually relevant to the game you want to play it on, you’d be hard pressed to port that elsewhere and emulators are always weird and have a lot of work to adapt into something that makes sense on a single screen with a basic gamepad.

  • @[email protected]
    157 months ago

    It’s interesting to see the impact that Yamauchi had on Nintendo as a whole. Generally Nintendo games focus on gameplay, with graphics and story built towards servicing the gameplay first. Say what you want about exclusives (not a huge fan of them really) but from the ground up when you buy a Nintendo game it’s generally gonna be what you expect from the previews.

    Now I hope they push for better specs in the future but that seems like a pipe dream. A game like Zelda BOTW/TOTK is completely held back by the Switch and that’s not good considering how fucking amazing it was to play them

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      Nintendo’s hardware strategy has always been to use old, less expensive components to make a console that generates a profit. Something I haven’t seen mentioned too often is that Sony and Microsoft sell their consoles at a loss with the expectation that they will make money on software and services. Nintendo sells a console that makes a profit but they have the absolute worst services and their online store is not good for shopping, only buying.

      Because of this focus on profitability for games and console, Nintendo will never make a console that keeps up with the performance of the other two. Nintendo is good at fudging the graphics, as long as you don’t look too hard at how the system renders stuff, such as the world detail in BotW or Mario games. But they will never be cutting edge.