Edit: I was searching for a “meta” community, since this is a post on Lemmy about current Lemmy limitations… But it turns out that this might very well be off topic. I apologise if it is the case… I would gladly take suggestions on what community would be best for this post, BTW.
Also post pictures of Streisands house, Beyonce’s real face and Putin on a horse.
There was a rapist from a university who also qualifies…what was his name and how did he look again ?
Brock Allen Turner but i read somewhere on the internet that he goes by Allen Turner now
Is that a picture of Rapist Allen Turner who raped a woman behind a dumpster?
“deleted from the internet” is an oxymoron, it’s nonsensical. I still see that image everywhere
Yet the other image I posted in a comment cannot be found anywhere online anymore. At least I wasn’t able to. I tried several search engines, reddit, etc.
This one? Tineye found 258, some are the unedited version, but some are edited with the tits.
Thanks for showing me tinyeye 🙏. I didn’t know of it. All I can tell is that google image search, duckduckgo and all the other image search engines I tried failed at finding it.
Yeah tineye is the tits (pun intended lol). No problem!
You should also post the famous picture of Beyonce that she doesn’t want to be posted…
Removed by mod
Hey I’d mark that as NSFW - would remove the exclamation point and link it
How do you mark a comment as NSFW? I thought it was only for posts…
Edit: since the above post was removed because of not having a spoiler tag, here is one:
/!\ NSFW /!\
The closest thing I got is this:
Kinda unofficially. Can use NSFW as the title of the link.
Better than nothing.
I’ll do that.Edit: oh, you mean as the title of a link. Yeah nah, I don’t believe anyone’s gonna open it. Links often open outside of the client, people will not want that. However, I changed the image’s text, so now it says “NSFW”, and also, maybe I should open a feature request for lemmy so we can tag images as NSFW in comments as well.
Got it! “NSFW” test
Like this:
::: spoiler NSFW  :::
Replace “NSFW” with any text.
BTW better for somebody to click than get fired for an inline display image of some tig ole bitties. And mod removed your image in the meantime 😇
Edit: but if an entire thread is already NSFW (meaning that acronym is in the thread title), then fire away on the Photoshopped world leaders no matter what their state of undress! Almost certain that’s fine etiquette
I know of the spoiler feature, however it doesn’t work on all clients.
For example, the client I use wants the spoiler to be:
And it doesn’t work with images. At all.
With the Lemmy syntax, on my client, I can immediately (without clicking/tapping) see ‘:::’, followed by: spoiler Got it! “NSFW” test, the image, and finally, ‘:::’. (It is without the single quotes, I added them for unambiguity).
Point is, aside from having a convention (like having “NSFW” anywhere in the image alternate text) where images are tagged NSFW, or a proper spoiler tag that is easy to parse and works everywhere (this one doesn’t), I don’t see how this can work. And I honestly think we should be able to tag images as both NSFW and spoiler independently.
BTW better for somebody to click than get fired for an inline display image of some tig ole bitties.
IMHO it would be pretty dishonest to fire someone over mild nudity while totally being OK for your employees to do other personal things at work. However, I will concede that our society is extremely prude, and people will complain about kids being able to see that (kids, however, will not, and will gladly go to pron sites and happily click “I am over 18”…)
And mod removed your image in the meantime 😇
Yeah, the modlog says “NSFW. Next time use the spoiler tag or post a link.”
That is ignoring that a spoiler tag will simply not work on most clients… But sure, let’s pretend.
Edit: now there’s a spoiler. Let’s see if it works… 🤞
Emo Musk is a trans-ladder puller
any time he is referenced they should use that picture.
I wish
Idk why he’d want to delete this from the internet. That coat is fire!
Michael Jackson?
More like “Muskael J’actionne”.
Who am I? Who am I? I’m Jean Vaaaal-Jean!