You can bank on energy consumption rising year over year for the next lifetime or so. We have completely run out of low hanging fruit in terms of cutting back like moving from incandescent to LED lighting, installing heat pumps to replace resistive heaters…ect. Solar, wind and other green sources ARE very much the future (assuming we want to have a future at all), but their variable output doesn’t mesh super well with how electrical grids are handled today. Batteries and other storage options are no where near ready and may never be for grid scale. This is where nuclear shines, that steady trickle over many, many decades as a bridge to a future with a redesigned distribution network and other technologies we can’t even conceive of yet. The thing is it’s a long term play, there’s a massive upfront cost and the people involved the project today may not even be alive or seeking any sort of political office in 20 years when it’s completely validated. Even if these plants can’t get online fast enough to meet the peak demands in the near-term, there’s nothing stopping them from scaling out solar and/or wind farms to pick up the slack.
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The right choice. Nuclear would be a great solution if we went all in 40 years ago. But we didnt and now we need a solution as soon as possible, not in 15 years to build a plant or in 25 years when it breaks even, now.
It takes just 6 months to build a 50 MW wind farm farms can be built,last between 20–25 years.
Sweden uses 130 TW/h per year (130000000000 KW/h) as of 2020
and about 25% of that is fossil fuels. as of 2017
So they would need to replace 32500000000 KW/h per year to get off fossil fuels
But KW/h/y is dumb so lets just make it KW/h
Then make it MW (yes I know I converted from TW to KW to MW.) so
3710 MW needed to replace fossil fuels.
So they would need 74 50MW wind farms to match that.
If they wanted to do that in 10 years to be faster than building a single nuclear plant, they would only need to be building 4 farms concurrently.
and about 25% of that is fossil fuels.
Sweden uses essentially no fossil fuels in the grid - it’s basically hydro, nuclear and wind for all of it. The small amount of fossil fuels used is stuff like burning plastics, and one oil plant that is turned on once in a blue moon when there’s an energy crisis. It’s national news when they turn that one on, and it’s considered a huge failure every time it happens.
The real figure for fossil versus non-fossil energy in Sweden is 2% fossil versus 98% non-fossil, with hydro being the primary energy source (35-45%), followed by nuclear (30%) and then wind (20%). Source, in Swedish:
A few errors
- 130TWh is the final electricity consumption, not the generation. Since Sweden is a big net exporter of electricity, there is a big difference
- I’m not sure what macrotrends refers to by “Fossil fuel consumption”, but it’s pobably referring to raw energy rather than electricity (which doesnt consider conversion efficiency)
- In reality, sweden uses almost no fossil fuels in its electricity mix, and that is in large part due to nuclear
- KWh and KW, not KW and KW/h
- In your calculations you failed to account for capacity factors. Wind plants have average capacity factors of about 42% in sweden, so the capacity would need to be over double the consumption, even ignoring the variability of consumption and production
Nevertheless, I do agree that Sweden doesn’t need more nuclear. It already generates some of the cleanest electricity in the world and I’d imagine fossil fuels are really only used for peak load.
Thank you for the corrections!
I mean let’s be honest here, there’s no way they did this because of an underlying police change.
I suspect they rather looked at other western countries trying to build large-scale projects and noticed how absurd the idea of building one nuclear reactor without a 15y++ delay was, nevermind 10 of them. Quietly drop it before someone checks whether it’s even doable. 😅
Source: Am German, we are experts on letting our complicated building projects run completely overbudget and take multiple times as long as projected.
That’s a so stupid take it’s hilarious. It’d be a nice world if ecofanatics were spending half their energy against coal instead of fighting nuclear.
Good. This entire thing was beyond stupidity.
Good. Other renewables are more economic and dont produce waste we can’t store anywhere
The nuclear lobby is alive and well on social media. They say it’s carbon neutral, when it isn’t whatsoever. They dismiss claims of leaking nuclear waste barrels. They dismiss claims of irradiated waterways and towns. They dismiss claims of danger from meltdown, because obviously no nuclear meltdowns have ever occurred.
Can you explain then why Germany that’s so much into renewables is building so many coal mines?
Because our conservative government sold out solar to china years ago
LNG deals falling through.