It become open source just last week. Currently don’t have Linux version but soon it will have. Linux Roadmap issue
I’ll try it once Linux support kinda works
A code editor developed for mac is a massive no go. as in forever.
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A bit of gratuitous self promotion but just to let people know if you liked Atom and are still using it or maybe you migrated to a new editor and still miss Atom, it was forked as Pulsar which is entirely community-led and is seeing a lot of active development to bring it up to date. We also have a lemmy community at !
Thank you for your work on Pulsar.
I was kind of put off when I saw collaborative mode, office channels bla bla. I guess because there is no point in trying to combine slack with a code editor. Do the code editor and do it good and that would be enough. When it is like this though, it feels like they are trying to throw in some popular stuff into the mix because it will help marketing.
Idk, without a good collaborative mode there’s really not much you can do to differentiate yourself from existing options. Without some feature like that it’s hard to think of a reason to build yet another text editor.
maybe a couple years ago but for instance I think AI is definitely becoming more realistically applicable with each iteration. It could definitely be used more to remove some of the boiler plates in coding, like simple unit tests etc.
Also there are IDEs which are very good for their specific languages but I feel like it is hard to find a reliable editor that has core IDE capabilities for many languages (like go to function definitions, code linting etc). I even started using VIM because of this but I just can’t get used to modal editors and feel like there is no point in using VIM if I am only using %5 of its capabilities.
As far as I’ve seen many code Ai assistants operate over the LSP framework and work in most editors, and maybe a chat window that’s pretty easy to add to most editors via a plug-in. Adding something like live collaboration is a bit more legwork
What features do you feel are missing from something like vscode? I’m a long time vim/neovim user but most of my co workers use vscode for everything with no complaints. I’ve actually been pretty jealous of stuff like jupyter integration.
If you can’t get used to vim, it might be worth checking out something like Helix it’s editing model is a bit different and clicks better for some people.
Thanks for the suggestions. I have not tried the recent vscode. I had tried it way back in uni and really didn’t like it at the time so never tried it again but I have also heard positive things about it from some other people so probably time to reevaluate. I think for me, must haves are: it must work with python and C minimal. Autocompletion, function definition, goto, code linting are the first things that come to mind (don’t need debugger and I guess that is not an editor’s job, python has its own module and for C there is gdb for advanced needs). In VIM, I could achieve these via plugins ofcourse.
I also haven’t tried Helix but Neovim was on my mind for a while. Are Helix and Neovim different from each other in terms of editor mode styles? I will also check Pulsar (continuation of Atom), hopefully soon I will get an editor that I feel at home with.
I think vscode has definitely come a long way since it first dropped several years ago. You can definitely get auto complete, goto, lining, etc. Via the LSP framework, so all those things should work for python and c with some plugin installs and maybe a bit of configuration. The built in debugging support is also really nice.
Neovim is basically the same as vim in terms of its editing modes. Vim and neovim use a action -> select paradigm eg. To delete a word you would type d (for the delete action) then w (to select the word). Helix uses a select -> action paradigm so to delete a word you would press w then d. One of the nice things about this is you can see what text you’ll be operating on before you actually perform an action. Helix also supports multiple cursors, which can be more familiar if you’re used to sublime, atom, etc. Both have support for LSP so you can basically get code intelligence on par with most IDEs for many languages. Helix is generally a bit easier to configure if you’re just using the base package, but isn’t as customizable and doesn’t support plugins yet.
If you want to check out neovim I’d recommend using a pre-built configuration like Lunarvim or Lazyvim these are just configuration distributions that take a lot of the legwork out of bringing neovim up to par with modern editors. Think of it like copying someone’s dot files.
Thanks! by the way I meant I tried visual studio back in uni and always assumed vscode would be sth similar but now I realize not
I think you might like the nvchad project it has some features that make you not rely 100% on keystrokes for everything, also a integrated cheatsheet just in case
So… after 9 years the guy finally realized that web technologies aren’t good for something that should be fast and handle large files. And he seems to be aiming towards some collaborative / cloud money grab.
Road to Linux might be interesting to all linux users
Can confirm that’s it’s very fast. Just lacking plugins at the moment.
I will watch it with great interest
I hope it gets there. I was a sublime user until vs code’s integrations got so far ahead that the productivity gains outweighed the slowness, but I really want it to be faster.
Do zed plugins have to be written in rust? If they do then that will slow community contributions since it’s not as popular as JavaScript for vs code.
Vs code is slow? Literally the entire reason I switched to it years ago is because it’s very fast.
Yep, VSCode is slow because it is built on Electron which is just a another browser.
Aware. V8 is fast.
Depends on what you’re used before I guess. I came from sublime text which was written in C++ and was blazing fast. You could throw any size file at it, I still use it when I need to edit a large file. I can notice the input lag in vs code even in small files with a vanilla setup. After adding plugins the lag can become even more noticable and in certain use cases it straight up slows you down. It’s not so slow that it’s unusable, but it’s noticably slower, and leaves me desiring more speed. But speed alone isn’t enough, it needs really good plugins which is why I traded speedy sublime text for vs code in the first place.
VSCode is fine
Yeah, it’s fine, I said I use it didn’t I? But it’s just fine, so I’d prefer something even better.
Sounds exactly like atom… until they killed atom
How does it compare against Lapce?
Lapse is going the extensions-for-features route, cross platform from the start, is more buggy atm, slower progress (doesn’t have 3 dedicated experienced devs) but is more accepting of community support.
Zed, similar goals and rust backend, probably has some monetization goals (eventual offering of live sharing code service), and Zed isn’t afraid to hardcode features. Like… very hard hardcoded features, to the point that I’m kinda concerned about it. This 5min clip of Theo looking over the source code shows it pretty well
The Atom/Zed devs write the most well-documented code I’ve ever read. Clear variable names, perfect comment-explainations when needed, etc. I wish they would join up with Lapse.
Can you be more specific on these concerning hardcoded features?
If you’re asking about specific names of features, its just the ones seen in that video clip. It seems like a pattern of very not-modular-ness.
If you’re asking why that pattern is concerning as an end user: Zed claims to be “a lightweight text editor”. But hardcoded support for a particular javascript library, as well as hardcoded support for a particular formatter, feels a lot more like a opinionated IDE packed with features designed for the specific workflows of the creators. Even if there’s no runtime cost, there is a technical cost for open source contributors. These little not-modular things can really bloat the codebase and make it hard to contribute.
More importantly, if Zed does add plugin support in the future, its going to require a major code refactor. Which makes forks and outside contributions especially hard.
From a lock-in perspetive: if something better than tailwind comes out, and we were daily driving Sublime 3 with no extensions, its no big deal to switch to the new thing. There wasn’t any hidden favoritism to begin with. But in Zed, not only will it feel bad to use the unsupported new thing, but also the team behind the-new-thing can’t realistically fork and add support either. They just have to hope the Zed devs decide to support it.
If their website said it was a fast low-overhead opinionated IDE I’d be fine because I’d know the kind of lock-in I was getting into.
Maybe it will be more stable and have more features than Lapce. I think so because I tried Lapce yesterday, and it was so buggy on my machine. But no doubt Lapce is a solid alternative to VSCodium and it has all the features that I want but it lacks customization and is buggy for me. I am still not sure for Zed though because I didn’t tried it yet and waiting for Linux support.
All those features + vim mode, damn can’t wait 🤤
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I could do that only if a “voice” assistance is able to detect my inner voice through a cap or similar, I fear… I just can’t write as fast as thinking…