This study helps to explain aspects of Chinese culture that the West seems to lack understanding for: a meritocracy has been the foundation for Chinese social movement since the Tang dynasty. Upwards mobility was dictated by academic performance, not some notion of capital accrual.
Academic performance is dictated by access to good educators which has always been dictated by wealth.
The facade of merit has always been used to justify casting away ‘lazy people who don’t study enough’ when the reality is that not everyone can afford private tutors, exotic sports, cram school, travel experience, and every other paid tactic to overstuff kid’s resumes.
Not sure if achievement of medieval China or failure of mid 20th century America
It can be both I think.
This social mobility from the imperial examination also probably didn’t extend to the lowest rungs of Chinese society at the time, because the man had to be able to take the exam. A poor man would need a sponsor or mentor to pay for their education, Hout said.
I’m curious how many people that represented.