Pastacal’s wager.
Shit this applies to all of them, doesn’t it?
Yes. You would have to hedge your bets and believe in every possible god. I wonder however if you could apply customer service techniques to it. The god that complains the most gets the most belief
You’re not wrong lol, the logical extreme of Pascal’s wager leads you to worship the god who has the worst punishment for non-believers, so that you only end up with the second-worst punishment from some other god.
So Christianity then?
Pretty much yes. Maybe that is why it is the historically most violent religion of humanity.
Which is whyPascal’ss wager is not that nstrong of a position.
PBUH (pasta be upon him)
I prefffer to sacrifice a chicken to Cthulhu each dawn. Seems like the FSM will be far more tolerant if I get it wrong. By that logic, picking the Judeo-Christian god does kind of make sense.
I have nothing to gain either.
But to be touched by his noodley appendage
To taste the archon sauce
The only FSM i know are Finite State Machines
What if belief results in creation? Why would I want to believe in this Lovecraftian noodle-god, when the very act of belief might spawn this horror into our universe? Our only protection is disbelief.
Well, next time somebody invents a god, please make sure it’s somebody that will punish you if you believe in any god.
The Church of the Socially Anxious God who Hates Attention
Thinking about it again, such a church should have skepticism-affirming ceremonies where people repeat that there is no evidence for a god, and have a formal goal of “not appeasing the Socially Anxious God because it doesn’t exist”.
deleted by creator
Thankfully my poor impulse control prevents me from living a fraudulent lifetime in exchange for some payoff.
Sorry I’m keeping up that Faith In “Bob!” That’s right, the big F.I.B. He’s the saint of sales and one true living slack master after all.