It’s better than bad! It’s GOOD!
That kind of log floating behind ships was where the term log comes from. They’d throw them overboard and let them drift out over some interval and they’d mark down “log took 30 seconds to drift out to end of rope” to determine their speed.
I’ll be damned:
Oh my log
It rolls down stairs, and over the Klingons dog!
Years ago I once wrote a program to view logs from a system I worked on. I used the ren and stimpy log as the icon for the file extension. It still makes me chuckle on the rare occasions I work on that system…
By Blammo!
It’s better then bad, it’s good.
That was a delightful 1.5 seconds of nostalgia.
Wow, what a throwback
Picard is a beast. That log must weigh almost a hundred pounds.
That’s the supplemental one. Main one’s offscreen.
I get this reference.
Morning, wood!