Soooo, technical science question here, super high level, get ready for some Latin and Greek and $14 words:
Does it’s little face flaps get all flippy flappy because it’s excited/hungry? foraging response? breathing? Those flaps were really flipping and I’m just curious
How much flip could a flippy flappy flap if a flippy flappy could flappy flippy?
If this video is anything to go by, quite a lot.
That looks like a slow, pain filled, and horrible way to go.
Iirc clams don’t even have a nervous system. They and bivalves are sometimes described as sea vegetables.
That’s the entirety of sea life, I do believe.
This is not entirely unlike how HUMANS eat bloody CRABS.
Without ever being taught, the crab identfied that it’s food, not a rock, investigates for an opening, then uses leverage to open the clam.
Makes me wonder how much I actually think when it’s really just instinct.
This reminds me of the original time machine novel。 Every single crab on earth reminds me of the time machine novel.
It’s been a long time since I read it.
The part at the end of time where all that remains is a dying crab on a desolate beach?
I don’t remember the details, but the feelings and emotions that end of time nothingness and death of all things left is still with me… It is sad and lonely and depressing and empty feeling. Same with thinking about the eventual “Heat Death of the Universe”.
He escapes to the future, it looks dead and cold, and then he hears a weird skittering or chittering or something and turns around to be confronted by giant murder crabs.
I should read that chapter again. What a great book
Cool, THAT was PRETTY entertaining actually.
And I thought that reaching the last Pringles was hard
Close enough…
Pringles Prawn Cocktail 200g
Great, thanks, I’m afraid of crabs now
What’s the big deal? He’s just musseling in there.
Life is so beautiful
Like the world’s slowest shredder.