Makes me happy that 2 million people felt comfortable enough to be openly LGBTQ+ small steps, but it’s a positive direction
Another successful recruitment drive! /s
Toaster ovens all around!
Yeah it turns out a lot of people are queer and just thought they were weird or the only one or were ashamed to acknowledge it
I’m more likely to believe that they aren’t living in hiding any more. The chemical castration of a war hero doesn’t exactly give one the confidence to believe they could safely be open and proud.
Nah, can’t be it. It’s probably the chemicals the deep state cabal is putting in the water to turn the frogs gay.
Goddamnit. These gays need to stop fuckin and making so many babies.
It didn’t grow lol, it’s always been there. Does Yahoo think people suddenly started becoming gay?
Do you think everyone who is gay has already come out?
I’d be amazed if that were the case
Probably could have chosen different terminology but “grows” doesn’t necessarily mean more people became gay, it could just mean that more people openly identified that way.
Sure, there’s just better ways to phrase it is all
Well, it isn’t unheard of.
I wasn’t gay. But then I turned 60 and wanted to be hip again so I joined the internet to see what todays youngsters were up to. I saw that they’re all gay furries now so I figured I’d better get with times. It’s been very itchy and sometimes painful but at least I’m hip now.
I literally believe this now. Congratulations and have fun!
Also, you can reduce the itchiness of your costume by soaking it with hair conditioner for thirty minutes and then stir drying it.
If there’s always been 10 million dollars in the basement wall and you find 2 million of it… That just means that you now know about more of the money, AND there’s still A LOT hidden that you still don’t know about. It’s always been there, you’re just now able to count more of it. The amount of money hasn’t really “grown” though.
I have to mock the headline which misses the point that people feel safer or realize that they are OK.
I am older, but this fabulously captures the point: be like: “they are making us all gay!!”
Don’t blame us. Blame… the frogs.
The Republicans should embrace LGBTQ+ people’s of the world…err the USA, US gays first lol. Here’s the reason: gay people will never need an abortion! Not only that, but hey if you got an unwanted fetus, sure let it be born and we’ll take it from there!
It’s a win win situation while women are screwed just like the Republicans love it. But at least the women’s role ends right after they give birth to whatever citize might have been stuck in there for 9 months.
Ofcourse I am being sarcastic about women. But if the Republicans really want all those deformed and rape babies born, well I suppose there’s a population who would be able to take care of them.
But then the rape children will grow up to be gay rapists! How will they come close to god then?? /s
You severely underestimate the power of religious dogma over a ton of people. A shit ton of people will forever be anti LGBTQ+ because they grew up with a religion that told them that it’s wrong. No amount of persuasion up to and including their own children coming out will change that.
Their dogma bit my catma so I ran over their dogma… accidentally. It’s hard to remove all that dogma red tape. Lots of dogma hairs.
The one dogma the police won’t instantly shoot
Like… height-wise?
Like . . . Bolt-wise.
Oh god, they’re multiplying!
No doubt growth in new gays and old gays that are finally coming to terms or feeling safe enough to not hide who they are.
It’s a beautiful thing! Conservative hate rhetoric has no power, LGBTQ have the right to exist and live their lives with the same rights the rest of us have
It’s truly heartbreaking when you hear the stories of LGBTQ+ that come out later in life because they were too afraid or lived in dangerous areas. They always feel they wasted so many years not being their true self.
Finally. The vaccines are working 👀
Hoping that also means 2 million new voters.
It likely just means that they’re out of the closet.
Well good, now they can finally go out and vote!
eta: it’s a joke, if they’re physically in a closet they can’t vote. lol.
About 40% of my gay friends are staunch Republicans but a lot of them live pretty rurally and are strong 2A supporters.
What is eta in this context? I only know of it used as estimated time of arrival.
So when will it be 100 mil?
If the population’s proportion to the entire populace remains relatively consistent, when the US has 1.8 billion residents.