Halloween is more fun in your 20s without a doubt. Going out to bars and parties dressed in costumes is a blast. As a little kid, I liked both but I think Christmas was a bigger deal. As an adult with kids of my own, Halloween is all hassle no fun but Christmas is still fun
I like a feasting holiday, I love making all kinds of food and serving my family. Thanksgiving and Christmas are for me.
Sköl!! Let us feast to the holiday of the pagans
Hear me out, okay?
Girls in sexy witch costumes, or any sexy Halloween costumes are fine. That’s great and everything, sure. But 99.2 percent of them are at the Halloween party with their boyfriends. And those guys aren’t even having a good time. They’re just standing around as accessories, dressed as Gomez Addams, or whoever else. So, like, whatever.
But when you see a girl in a fully scandalous sexy elf costume, or a sultry Mrs. Claus outfit? Or the somewhat rare (yet more pervy) sexy reindeer costume?
Believe it.
EDIT: if you can’t figure out how the reindeer tail is attached to the costume, YOU’VE GOT A LIVE ONE ON YOUR HANDS.
You’re the dude everyone wants to talk to at the party. You seem fun.
Thanks, Lemmy-bro.
Solid argument.
Can we stop using the Chowderhead version of this meme? The shitbag doesn’t deserve it.
Definitely appreciate this meme otherwise
Sorry. I didn’t think about that.
No worries.
Most of us get Christmas off
Setup using this fucking idiot for your meme template, chuds.
Halloween is a clear winner and doesn’t stop banging
Honestly, Halloween is becoming as bad as Christmas. Just like the Christmas season is far too long, I’ve noticed Halloween is creeping longer and longer. It has a long way to go before it’s at Christmas levels, but during the Halloween season, it is starting to feel just as pervasive. Halloween themed decorations, movies, parties, etc… Halloween to Millenials feels a lot like Christmas was to Boomers. Always chasing that dream of bigger, better, perfect.
Idk man, I don’t like spooky. But I like being at home with my family eating the meat and wursts prepared by my grandma.
Enjoy your time.