People that only played the newest two are gonna be a little confused when playing this lmao
For real. The newest two are more in line with the Last of Us where it was story first, action second. The first games of God of War are a buffet of violence being propped up by a story. Don’t get me wrong, the story line is good, even now. But it was always button mashing, crazy boss fights, brutal kills first.
Hope it comes with story improvements. The best remakes manage to acknowledge future continuity that wasn’t planned yet
I wouldn’t mind an epilogue in God of War 3 that clears up what exactly happened before GoW 2018.
If my memory is correct there was a comic that takes place in between the two but I’m not sure where to find it.
Sweet, can’t wait to get it on PC when it gets there. Loved the originals on ps2 as a kid, seeing the hydra get its head shish-kabobed in modern graphics will be even more spine-tingling
Seeing the god of sun having his head pulled apart in a literal sense would be exhilarating!
I’d hope this comes to PC. I only played through Chains of Olympus before GoW 2018
I have a vague memory of swinging milk jugs on a chain from some silly unlockable. Also the very first 10 seconds of the game and you’re fighting a boss really threw me off, but I loved every minute of it lol
I really enjoyed those games back when they came out, and I don’t mind the idea of a remaster in general… but I really don’t want to see certain scenes from those games in HD with remastered models/lighting. Some of them were absolutely brutal, but they were tolerable due to the “gamey” graphics.
You’re bothered by the brutality in a game called God of War?
I’m not bothered by it, in general, especially when the graphics of the older games are low-rez and “cartoony” by today’s standards. But, much like how I don’t like rewatching Oberyn vs The Mountain in Game of Thrones, I don’t relish the thought of watching Kratos do similar things in high def. It all depends on the kind of remaster that may happen. If it’s just a resolution bump and some better lighting I’ll be fine.
I’m with you. The fidelity of current Mortal Kombat games is not my cup of tea either.
Atreus pipes up to tell you to crush the half naked lady under a giant cog after you’ve been in the puzzle room for 10 seconds.