Knows that we aren’t to be trusted, can’t turn it’s back on us for a second.
The moon is not to be trusted. It’s hiding a secret alien base on its dark side.
It’s not aliens, it’s Nazis, moon Nazis. (Lookup “Iron Sky” if you don’t know it.)
It doesn’t show us its face. Where do you think the word “mooning” comes from?
Kanye West takes notes
It needs to face us so it can tell our tides what to do. If it turned around the tide wouldn’t hear it.
I thought this was a science community?
The earth isn’t flat, the moon is
I might believe this one.
No please not another one
We’re just soooo good looking 🙂
AH! You started me, I didn’t see you there.
Also our big moon has to deal with sharing space with our horde of trophy trash moons
It’s the heaviest part of the moon which face us. And even when it will reach it’s farthest and definitive orbit ( the moon slowly move away from us), it will still the same face toward us.
Aside from being a meme, the factoid isn’t even true.
All twenty known moons in the Solar System that are large enough to be round are tidally locked with their primaries [planets]