If they invade, won’t all the chip fabrication places just blow all their shit up and wipe systems? Pretty sure TSMC said that was the plan.
Doesn’t seem like they’ll be able to capture a whole lot aside from land and that will come at a pretty steep cost I’d imagine.
I heard about that too. The technology produced there is too valuable to be left to invaders.
The chip thing is definitely an issue. However, even if they didn’t get any chip tech or factories, they still get the island. Militarily speaking, the situation is similar to Cuba and US during the Cold War. Taking control of the island will grant them more military security. Additionally, it will grant them control over the shipping lanes in the surroundings waters, which are heavily used for international trade.
The US needs it for trade/their economy. China needs it to protect itself and gain more economic power. For these reasons, it makes sense for both China and the US to be heavily interested in controlling Taiwan. Personally, I really don’t see a likely solution to avoiding military conflict unless the powers of the two sides figure out how to resolve their antagonism, which I think is unlikely without a change in Chinese leadership.
Militarily speaking, the situation is similar to Cuba and US during the Cold War. Taking control of the island will grant them more military security.
I don’t really know if that makes a whole bunch of sense… The only country with the capabilities of attacking China is the US. The only real provocation that may spark that military conflict is an attack on Taiwan or South Korea.
Taiwan isn’t even that advantageous of a location for an invasion either way, the strait of Formosa would be a death trap for any amphibious landing. The most militarily important region for China is and always has been the Korean peninsula.
I think Chinas main motivation is that Taiwan disrupts their plans to completely control trade routes in the South China sea. Once the 9 dash line is under control and expanded to include the territorial waters of Taiwan, China will have a defacto monopoly on trade for most of eastern Asia.
The land is most of what they want. Taiwan is militarily strategic land, it essentially blocks all access to the Pacific.
Even just destroying the competition makes their stuff much more valuable.
TSMC just finished building a factory in the US mainland.
They moved TSMC production facilities to Phoenix, Arizona. It’s slated to open in 2025.
They didn’t move them, they’re just building new fabrication plants here so we don’t have to depend on threatened foreign land for the production. https://pr.tsmc.com/english/news/2977
Also SMIC (China’s chip manufacturer) is now also producing 7nm chips, even though they were sanctioned in 2020. That means they either had a breakthrough in the process or they obtained and were able to repair and operate/reverse engineer the incredibly complex TSMC fabs.
7nm doesn’t need EUV, as things get smaller it doesn’t suddenly become impossible to do things with traditional lithography it just becomes harder and at some point incredibly uneconomical. They certainly ripped off the node from TSMC in some way (whether spionage or reverse-engineering), that is, the shape of the transistors and stuff but that doesn’t mean that they’re producing them in the same way.
Except they have problems finding workers. 3rd world Americans aren’t cut out for the jobs it seems like.
I think it’s mostly because it’s in Arizona… Not exactly the tech capital of the U.S…
[Curb Your Enthusiasm closing credits song plays]
“Re-unify” is dipshit-speak for invade, pillage and crush… for anyone wondering.
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Reunification of Germany was entirely nonviolent.
Were the people saying they were going to reunify dipshits in that case?
And Russia is trying reunification with Ukraine. What’s your point?
No, that’s annexation, ya dingus
Right, you’re saying that in hindsight.
When a tyrannous dictator preaches reunification as a descriptor when outlining their future plans the context changes a bit. Hope that helps :)
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Sorry there was no meaning in your statement because I disagree.
I miss when opinions were just opinions.
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Is that your opinion though? Feels like a straw man to me.
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That’s pure speculation on your part. Xi specifically stated the goal is peaceful reunification.
Well when all the direct quotes I read don’t match the history I have to speculate on what XI really means.
He said he wants to reunify Taiwan, he didn’t send me a PDF of his specific strategy.
You’re speculating that it will be peaceful with the same logic.
I still remember what was happening in Taiwan just a few days before COVID hit. Do you?
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Your answer: no
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Well, what was the answer?
The entire idea of reunification is that it is supported by the will of the people. I’m not speculating that it will be peaceful, I’m just pointing out what Xi said. You claiming that he’s lying is speculation.
You claiming I’m speculating is also speculation. Take your semantic garbage and share it with someone who can respect your thoughts.
Your speculating that I’m speculating is also speculation! You are the one whomst engages in frantic semantic antics!
Don’t be mad cuz you’re wrong. Xi Jinping stated that he has plans to peacefully reunify Taiwan and China. How you want to interpret that is up to you, but the media wants you to interpret “peaceful reunification” as “violent invasion.” If you want to believe that, that’s on you.
I think China is more than capable of reunification of Taiwan peacefully and invading would be a real dumb idea. Also, according to their own news, only 48.9% of the Taiwanese people support national Independence. So there’s definitely a possibility of China winning the people over.
Did they say how? Peace would be preferred, but the Taiwanese need to be willing to cooperate.
The Kuomintang party is willing to cooperate, while the Democratic party is not
If you believe that then I have a bridge I’d like to sell you. In fact it’s 2 for 1, but only if you buy by midnight!
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Well London Bridge is in Lake Havasu, AZ now. Why can’t you get a bridge too?
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Uhm, isn’t a bridge the means of producing safe travel across a span? You should get the wall for owning means of production.
A. Xi said they would prefer to do it peacefully.
B. Autocratic regimes routinely define “peacefully” as a coup or overnight invasion.
C. Xi specifically set an atmosphere of strategic uncertainty by saying a time “hadn’t been decided”.
That tells me they’ve given up on winning elections in Taiwan. If they’re scheduling it then it’s not on Taiwan’s election schedule. Ergo, definitely not peacefully in democratic terms.
Well it will be interesting at least.
Well it will be interesting at least.
As in “May you live in interesting times?”
Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Your prize options are nuclear incineration during Friday rush hour or cake.
I suspect this will happen during USAs election… you know when the world stops existing for a few days.
Well the Russians largely succeeded with the Olympics. So that’s a possibility too.
Few days. Months!!!
Take the hint Xi, she’s just not into you.
Someone said after Russia’s military was shown to be a farce, that if they were China they’d be shitting their pants and immediately launch an investigation into how good their military actually is.
China gaining Taiwan would end global trade. That is the reason no one will let them forcibly take it.
China is hostage state that nurtures Stockholm Syndrome in it’s population (similar to DPRK and others). You can only “leave” if it’s deemed useful and safe for China (i.e. you have Stockholm Syndrome strongly enough). And those that leave are still under control, i.e. their (edited) behavior can be coerced by using carrot and stick methods on their family and loved ones.
in its* population
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This is like Kevin Heart warning Mike Tyson. LOL, just funny and stupid.
I thought I read like 3 weeks ago they had no interest anytime soon
bla bla… but everyone still buys shit from china… you use iphones, chrome and everything as long as it is convenient for you… and then do the butthurt cry here. hows that supposed to change anything?
Yeah, voting with your dollar definitely will make the change, just buy something else and struggle a bit harder, that change is right around the corner /s
If trying to invade Taiwan weakens china like it did with Russia invading Ukraine then I’m all for it. Fuck china
Throwing other people’s bodies into the meat grinder to spite our global enemies, heck yes!!!
China could just fuck off, leaving them alone and then no one has to die. But people supporting sovereign self defense are the baddies?
Alas, world powers think it’s their business to fuck around with other countries.
Laughs in CIA