I’ve been working from home for 10 years. The COVID break my daughter had was the first time I can remember NOT getting a Cold since literally ever. I’m masking more when I travel for work and I look forward to when more of us realize the benefits.
They’re actually really great if you walk outside alot, they can help protect your face from cold weather. I keep one in my pocket and just bust it out whenever the temperature gets too bad when I walk in the morning.
Awesome for [email protected]
Right as the pandemic started I was camping in 30° weather when I thought about getting an Arabic face wrap. Looked online and found gaiters. Worked so great, I bought another pack before everyone clued in and bought them for masks. Keep one in my purse everywhere I go.
Which is as it should be. There is an obvious level of responsibility that any adult can and should exercise. I don’t disagree that the government shouldn’t mandate this, in fact I believe they shouldn’t have to.
It’s the sick people that are masking, right? … Right?
My father is severely immunocompromised (double lung transplant less than a year ago), so I wear a mask when travelling home to see him to provide an extra level of assurance I won’t be bringing anything (not even just COVID) home to him.
Yes, for masks to be most effective sick or potentially sick people should be masking, but often they don’t. That was my point.
No. I was sick last week and forgot. Even had one in my purse, still forgot.
EDIT: Don’t care about the downvotes, but what message do you think you’re sending to those of us being honest? Think you’re helping?
I guess it was too much to hope that the culture would change. Americans are too stubborn for that.
It’s an easy way to reduce exposure while not eliminating it so that your immune system can still keep up with the latest fads.